Les manifestations en Sudtirol
Le calendrier des manifestations pour un voyage dans la région de Merano en Sudtirol
Les manifestations en Sudtirol

Les manifestations en Sudtirol

Le calendrier des manifestations pour un voyage dans la région de Merano en Sudtirol

La région de Merano/Meran propose un programme riche en évènements tout au long de l’année et pour chaque saison.

Cette page donne un aperçu de tous les évènements et manifestations qui ont lieu dans la région de Merano. Il est possible de faire une recherche ciblée selon les évènements, les thèmes ou encore les villages.
Music to go: the grand final of the Christmas market
lundi 06 janv.
14:30 - 16:30
Music to go: the grand final of the Christmas market
BandaStorta is a rambunctious ensemble of musicians in which the artistic creativity of the individual elements comes to life. BandaStorta was born from eclectic minds and twisted souls that find ...
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Snowshoe Adventure at Pfelders/Plan
mardi 07 janv.
09:30 - 15:00
Snowshoe Adventure at Pfelders/Plan
Immerse yourself in a enchanting winter landscape and discover untouched nature in an entirely new way. Our guided snowshoe hikes provide you with the perfect opportunity to savor the tranquility of ...
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Weekly coffee tasting at Kuntrawant in Lana
mercredi 08 janv.
11:30 - 13:00
Weekly coffee tasting at Kuntrawant in Lana
Every Wednesday from 11.30 to 13.00, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of coffee with us. Together we taste selected filter coffees and espressos from all over the ...
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Get to know the wines of the winery
mercredi 08 janv.
St. Martin in Passeier/S. Martino in Passiria
16:00 - 17:00
Get to know the wines of the winery "Passir"
During a guided tour of our winery in St. Martin, many exciting and interesting things await you. We will tell you passionately about the harvest, winemaking and wine and let you share in our art of ...
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Dancing afternoon
jeudi 09 janv.
15:00 - 17:00
Dancing afternoon
Dancing afternoon with live music. Entrance fee: voluntary donation. Information: Franz Stadler, Tel. +39 340 7681240. Kolping, Cavour Street 101, Merano
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Snowshoe Adventure at Walten/Valtina
vendredi 10 janv.
09:00 - 15:00
Snowshoe Adventure at Walten/Valtina
Immerse yourself in a enchanting winter landscape and discover untouched nature in an entirely new way. Our guided snowshoe hikes provide you with the perfect opportunity to savor the tranquility of ...
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Meran beWegt: Early Bird - Special Taste|y breakfast
samedi 11 janv.
09:15 - 11:00
Meran beWegt: Early Bird - Special Taste|y breakfast
Before breakfast, it is possible to participate in the Early Bird event: walk and exercise outdoors with qualified staff. Meeting point: 07.30 a.m. at Elisabeth Parc, free of charge and without ...
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Concert of the Orchestra Wiener Johann Strauß
dimanche 12 janv.
16:00 - 18:00
Concert of the Orchestra Wiener Johann Strauß
Start ticket sale on 16.01.2024 in all Athesia stores, online on www.ticketone.it
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