Holidays in Tesimo - Prissiano

Castle villages on the sunny slopes south of Merano

Tesimo-Prissiano/Tisens-Prissian is set in a unique location on top of a sunny hill to the south of the spa town of Merano/Meran. At one time, the aristocracy and wealthy landowners visited the villages for summer relaxation and hiking. As a result there are many castles and summer residences here, as well as mountain churches and chapels dating to previous times.

Surrounded by vineyards, fruit and chestnut groves, unique natural sites can be explored in Tesimo/Tisens, Prissiano/Prissian, Grissiano/Grissian, Narano/Naraun, Caprile/Gfrill and Plazzoles/Platzers. There are adventure hiking trails and walks to historic mountain churches such as St. Jakob or St Hippolyt, with unique views of the Dolomites. The two main towns of the area, Merano/Meran and Bolzano/Bozen, are both in view and can be reached quickly within a 20 minutes’ drive.

On the northern slope of Katzenzungen Castle grows the largest and possibly oldest vine in the world, the Versoaln vine, the wine of which can be tasted on site. And in autumn, Tesimo and Prissiano and the only female Michelin-star chef in South Tyrol, Anna Matscher, invite visitors to the Keschtnriggl chestnut festival, a culinary festival in honor of the Tesimo chestnut.
Fancy some relaxation in a breathtaking landscape?
Then welcome to Tisens-Prissian!
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Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol 10 days ago
Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol

🍏🌿 Die Apfelführungen starten wieder! 🌿🍏

Am Montag, den 17.03., findet die erste Apfelführung der Saison statt! 🍎🌳 Günther vom Ansitz Lidl wird uns mit seinem umfangreichen Wissen durch die faszinierende Welt des Apfelanbaus führen.

Wir freuen uns ganz besonders mitzuteilen, dass Günther für sein Engagement, seinen Einsatz und seine Eigeninitiative im letzten Jahr vom Apfelkonsortium geehrt wurde! 👏🏆

Kommt vorbei und erfahrt Spannendes über den Südtiroler Apfelanbau! 🌞

Die Apfelführung findet jeden Montag ab 16:00 Uhr statt. Eine Anmeldung beim Tourismusverein Tisens-Prissian unter +39 0473 920822 ist notwendig.

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🍏🌿 Ripartono le visite guidate ai meleti! 🌿🍏

Lunedì 17 marzo si terrà la prima visita guidata ai meleti della stagione! 🍎🌳 Günther del Ansitz Lidl ci guiderà con la sua grande esperienza attraverso il meraviglioso mondo della coltivazione delle mele.

Siamo particolarmente felici di annunciare che Günther è stato premiato dal Consorzio delle Mele per il suo straordinario impegno, la dedizione e l’iniziativa nel portare avanti queste visite! 👏🏆

Venite a trovarci e scoprite tante curiosità sulla coltivazione delle mele in Alto Adige! 🌞

La visita guidata ai meleti si tiene ogni lunedì a partire dalle ore 18:00. È necessaria la prenotazione presso l'Associazione Turistica di Tesimo-Prissiano al numero +39 0473 920822.

Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol 15 days ago
Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol

Fotos von Merano e dintorni - Meran & Umgebungs Beitrag

Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol 19 days ago
Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol

Spring is coming!

#lovetisensprissian #feeltisensprissian
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#tisensprissian #spring #springiscomming

tisens.prissian tisens.prissian 19 days ago

Spring is coming!

#lovetisensprissian #feeltisensprissian
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#tisensprissian #spring #springiscomming

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