Teufelsteinweg Trail in St. Martin/S. Martino

General description
From the info office St. Martin in the direction of the village center to the savings bank. Turn left there and walk out of the village to the fire station. Ascend the Feldbauernweg to the right until you reach the last houses. There you will find the entrance to the Teufelsteinweg. From here follow the signs. At the end of the theme trail, descend the asphalt road for a few hundred meters and then hike back to the right along trail no. 4 through the forest to St. Martin. It gets its name from the Devil's Stone, which stands in the middle of the path. A boulder with the hoof print of the devil.

In winter you may encounter icy or snow-covered spots.

Trail not suitable for strollers.
Description to arrive at destination

From Meran/Merano to the Passeiertal Valley in direction of Timmelsjoch Mountain Pass/Jaufenpass Mountain Pass until St. Martin/S. Martino.

Public transport
The starting point is easy to reach with the following public connections:
With bus line 240 from Meran/Merano to St. Martin/S. Martino.
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