Town Hall of Nalles

A new town hall had to be built as the old one was lacking the desired space the community of Nalles so desperately needed.

The 25th of February 2004 officially marked the beginning of the construction and not even 22 months later on the 31st of December 2005 the new town hall was completed. This town hall at the intersection of Gregor-Gasser Street and Vilpianer Street was not only a new contemporary building needed for public administration, but at the same time it marked a new town center and consequently a new place for the community of Nalles to meet.

Description to arrive at destination

The main entry of the new town hall is located directly on the square, facing the west façade of the building. The ground floor was built with the intention of housing the offices with a higher number of visitors, such as the registration office, the tax office and the office for constructions. Other, less attended departments are upstairs, like for example the accounting office. The mayor overlooks the before mentioned square, a symbol of the bond between the community and the facility, which represents them politically. The local doctor is also on the second floor. The attic is the place for our local council. In the basement there are the tourist office, spaces for the elderly and a public toilet.

The square in front of the town hall, with a huge flight of stairs, connects the neighboring streets and buildings. The central fountain, notice board and olive tree with surrounding benches round off the whole square.

Opening times: all-season
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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