Car park next to the Waalweg trail of Marling/Marlengo - Waldschenke

On the public car park next to the hotel Waldschenke can be parked for free.

Description to arrive at destination

From Meran/Merano or the valley Vinschgau/Val Venosta into the centre of Marling/Marlengo. Then on the street St. Felix Weg/Via S. Felice up to the restaurant Waldschenke.


Parking area direct next to the Marlinger Waalweg trail.

Public transport

The bus line 212 stopps directly into the centre of Marling/Marlengo. Then on foot ca. 20 min. up to the restaurant Waldschenke.


On the public car park next to the hotel Waldschenke can be parked for free.

Author's tip

Hiking tips:

  1. Explore the Marlinger Waalweg trail!
  2. Family excursion - Eichhörnchenweg/sentiero dello scoiattolo trail!
  3. Do not miss the Walderlebnispfad/Sentiero naturalistico lungo la roggia di Marlengo trail
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