Zmailerhof - farm inn

Zmailer Hof farm looks out from the Schennerberg mountainside over the Meran valley basin and across to the Etsch river valley. It is the ideal destination for a mountain walk. Parts of the old farmhouse, such as the kitchen, hallway and pretty frescoes at the entrance to the house are under listed building protection. Guests can enjoy the tasty house specialities on the sun terrace or in the cosy farmhouse parlour. The excellent fruit juices are a treat not to be missed. Open daily from mid-March until the end of November. Closed on Fridays.
March 10 2024 - November 24 2024
Open from
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Hot kitchen
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
July 5 2024 - July 7 2024 - closed
  • Farm inn
  • Restaurant for chestnut-eating
Cuisine type
  • Hot meals
  • South tyrolean cuisine
  • Home-made food products
Quality seals
  • Red Rooster
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