Überwasser KG der Tischler Rita Maria

Bad Überwasser stands for tradition and health since 1876 (spa and nature oasis, mineral water tastings)

Description to arrive at destination

Arrival from the north over the Brenner Pass: A22 - exit Bolzano South - expressway towards Merano - exit Merano South (industrial zone Lana) - Lana - Ulten Valley - St. Walburg- Bad Überwasser

Arrival from the northwest over the Reschen Pass: Reschen Pass - Vinschgau - motorway towards Bolzano - exit Merano South (industrial zone Lana) - Lana - Ulten Valley - St. Walburg- Bad Überwasser

Arrival from the south via the Brenner motorway: A22 - exit Bolzano South - motorway towards Merano - exit Merano South (industrial zone Lana) - Lana - Ulten Valley - St. Walburg-Bad Überwasser


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