Ski bus stories in Hafling and Meran 2000

Ski bus stories in Hafling and Meran 2000

Traditionally, from Boxing Day until the end of the ski season, the ski bus has been taking winter sports enthusiasts from Hafling to the Meran 2000 ski area.

Comfortable low-entry buses run between Hafling Dorf, St. Kathrein, Hafling Oberdorf and Falzeben and take passengers safely, quickly and in a sustainable manner from the numerous stops to the ski area and back again. New in 2024: The ski bus can be used free of charge by everyone.

The “cuddly bus” from Hafling and other anecdotes
It wasn't always that comfortable. Some anecdotes from back then tell of speedy journeys on winter roads that were only sparsely cleared. "Cuddly bus" was the catchphrase used throughout the village when abrupt braking and cornering manoeuvres created many an unwanted contact with neighbouring passengers.

Then there was the driver who mounted the only intact snow chain on the left front tyre because he obviously didn't know that the bus had rear-wheel drive. On the other hand, there was this exemplary driver who had already prepared for winter road conditions in the summer and practised fitting the snow chains.

Stuck in the ditch
One fine afternoon, the bus is said to have driven into the ditch on the old road in St. Kathrein, which is now closed to traffic. The attempt to free itself from the inclined position by driving on slowly failed to such an extent that it was ultimately unable to drive forwards or backwards. Peter Reiterer from the Hotel Sulfner placed wooden boards at the exits so that some passengers could leave the bus safely. He placed two square timbers in the ditch so that he could free the bus from the ditch with his tractor. By the way, the driver did not even consider it necessary to leave the bus for a second.

Multiple tractor deployments were necessary at the old entrance to the Hotel Viktoria. In those days, the access road was a tricky affair in wintry conditions, so there was often no way of getting through. Perhaps that was the reason why many a bus driver simply ignored this stop. Insiders say that back then, some drivers even decided generally to stop at bus stops at their own discretion. It didn't help that Luis Plank from the Hotel Sonnenheim ran after the bus shouting and waving.

A little dance in honour
Late one afternoon, an Italian combo sweetened the passengers' waiting time in Falzeben with a mazurka. The exact origin of the young musicians is unknown, as is the reason for their stay in Falzeben. What is known for certain, however, is the little dance that the waiting passengers did at the bus stop in full ski clothing.

Waltraud from Hafling knows many other ski bus stories, having travelled almost daily by ski bus from her home in St. Kathrein to Falzeben every winter for around 20 years to go for a walk in the woods with her dog. No wonder she knows every bend, every stop, many regular passengers and every bus driver.

Sustainable and entertaining: then as now
Whereas in the past it was a lack of individual mobility, today it is mainly the idea of sustainability that brings passengers to the ski area in a safe and environmentally friendly way. Nevertheless, one thing can be said with certainty: the ski bus brings like-minded people together, then as now. So: why not simply talk to your neighbour on the next ski bus ride and have an entertaining chat? Tell us about your experiences so that we can share your story here!
Tourismusverein Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 | 12/21/2023
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