Healthy, sustainable and trendy: What's the Granola Lifestyle all about? Healthy, sustainable and trendy: What's the Granola Lifestyle all about?

Healthy, sustainable and trendy: What's the Granola Lifestyle all about?

They prefer to wear functional clothing, eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, spend their free time in nature, camping or in the bouldering hall and pay close attention to a sustainable lifestyle: we are talking about the Granola boys and girls, who have created their own identity through their lifestyle and clothing style - an identity that is true for Generation Z. Or?

Just hippies with functional clothing?

But… hang on! Haven't there always been people who wear ski jumpers to work or functional clothing to university? Or people who go shopping in the organic food shop by bike with a bicycle basket decorated with (sun) flowers? What is so special or new about the Granola Style that Generation Z identifies with it and wants to set itself apart from the „Gen Y“ or the hipsters?

So: what is the Granola Lifestyle?
We asked youth psychologist Dr. Moritz Frötscher: „The term ‘Granola Lifestyle’ is derived from ‘granola’, a mixture of oatmeal, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and honey, which is often eaten as a healthy breakfast or snack. This simple and natural food symbolises the basic principles of the Granola Lifestyle: health, sustainability and community. People who live this lifestyle strive to live their daily lives in harmony with nature, maintain healthy eating habits, consume sustainable products and engage in social and environmental issues.“

Where and when did it emerge?
„This trendy term granola first appeared back in the 1960s, as an alternative term for ‘hippie’”, says Frötscher. During that time, people began to live more consciously and to take a stand against the consumption of processed food and environmentally harmful products. The idea of self-sufficiency and ecological awareness gained importance. Dr. Frötscher is familiar with the phenomenon and goes on to say: „Later in 2011, the term reappeared in the USA, among other things as a synonym for ‘hipster’, which most young people, however, clearly want to distance themselves from.“ The term GORP also often comes up in connection with granola, which stands for nothing other than „Good old Raisins and Peanuts“ - in other words, simply trail mix - and thus also goes in the direction of the granola phenomenon. Gorpcore and Earthcore are considered to be more finely developed currents of it.

Which segments of the population have a particular affinity?
The granola lifestyle is particularly appealing to Generation Z. This generation is known for its environmental awareness, sense of social justice and desire for authentic experiences. Their sustainable lifestyle also goes hand in hand with social responsibility. They buy more second-hand clothes, support local businesses and generally aim for more environmentally friendly solutions.

Where can you find the granola scene in South Tyrol and here in Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000?

South Tyrolean farms and food producers are present on social media alongside individual influencers to showcase their sustainable farming practices and regional products.
These farms are of course just as much a part of the granola scene in the region and help to promote sustainability. With their experiences and tips for a healthy, sustainable and nature-loving life, they inspire people to experience the beauty of nature in South Tyrol while making responsible life choices.

But now in concrete terms: where do you meet the „Granolas“ in Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 in South Tyrol? They like to travel around spontaneously and without time pressure in their old and self-built campervan. Before the first ray of sunlight sweeps over the mountain world, they are - dressed in trendy sustainable outdoor brands - equipped with aluminium cups, beanies and a camera on their way to the mountain peak, in order to capture the untouched beautiful nature in pictures from there in the morning light. Their real challenge is to find so-called „hidden treasures“ away from the well-known main hiking trails and then post them, including a selfie.

Can the granola movement change our society in the long term?
Yes, the Granola Lifestyle has the potential to change our society. It promotes a more conscious and sustainable lifestyle. People who practise this lifestyle tend to produce less waste, buy local and organic products and engage in environmental protection measures. This can lead to a smaller ecological footprint and a reduction in environmental impact in the long run.

In addition, the Granola Lifestyle emphasises the importance of community and interpersonal relationships. People who follow this lifestyle often organise shared activities such as farmers' markets, swap meets or outdoor activities to strengthen social bonds. This can help combat the sense of isolation in modern society. How will the movement evolve? The Granola Lifestyle movement is expected to continue to grow and adapt to the changing needs and values of society. With the development of new technologies and social media, it will become easier to find like-minded people and share ideas. Demand for sustainable products and services is expected to increase, encouraging companies to offer environmentally friendly solutions.
It will have to be seen whether the representatives of this lifestyle will become more politically active and campaign for political changes that promote environmental protection and social justice.

Are there controversies around it?
As with any movement, there is controversy surrounding the Granola Lifestyle. Some critics claim that it can be elitist, as sustainable products are often more expensive and not affordable for everyone. „Granolas“ are sometimes described as modern-day self-promoters and accused of merely staging a conscious interaction with nature. There are also concerns that some people see the lifestyle as a fad and are not really committed, which could lead to a lack of sustainability. There are even voices that claim the granola phenomenon is just another pigeonhole dreamed up by marketing experts, thus creating a new target group for certain products. The youth psychologist Dr. Frötscher also notes that it is often seen as radical, unworldly, too daredevil.

Nevertheless, it can be said that lifestyles that prioritise such important values as health, sustainability and community have the potential to change our society for the better. After all, we all have a role to play in helping to solve pressing global challenges.

Tourismusverein Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 | 10/12/2023
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