Weather crosses: Asking for “good weather” Weather crosses: Asking for “good weather”

Weather crosses: Asking for “good weather”

For centuries the weather crosses rose stoically into the skies, mostly in lofty locations in the mountains that were visible from a distance.

The weather crosses, also known as hail crosses or weather shrines, were erected by the people to protect them from storms, but also signposted borders and pathways. Often the wooden crosses have three crosspieces – as a symbol of the Trinity – and bear witness to a deep attachment to the Christian faith.

The weather cross in Vöran

One of these weather crosses stands on the Beimstein Knott in Vöran. The residents of Vöran are all in agreement that it has been there “for ever, actually”. In a scenic location, the cross, which is made of larch wood, towers over the valley in close proximity to the “Attimo” installation, an arrangement of chairlift seats, realised in keeping with sketches by the late artist, Franz Messner. If you stand by the cross and look around, you can see everything: Vöran, the Etsch Valley and the (hopefully) “good weather”.

By the way: In 2024, the farmers' youth of Vöran renewed the weather cross on the Beimsteinknott.

Tourismusverein Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 | 7/25/2024
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