The perfect spot: how regular guests became friends The perfect spot: how regular guests became friends

The perfect spot: how regular guests became friends

The Herchel family - Oliver, Nicole and their now fifteen-year-old daughter Emily - have fallen in love with Hafling over the last ten years. So much so that Oliver Herchel has had his place of longing immortalised as a tattoo on his shin.

For around a year now, since spring 2023, the St. Kathrein church, the Ifinger mountain, a pine cone and a cowbell have been tattooed on Oliver Herchel's shin as a harmonious ensemble. We asked the family themselves to tell us how this came about.

When the Herchel family arrives in Hafling, there is a big hello with warm hugs at the Brunnerhof. The family of three from Senden near Ulm in Germany has been spending their holidays on the Alber family's farm in Hafling for a decade now, usually several times a year. This has resulted in a deep connection to the village and a close friendship with the host family. They stay in contact all year round, exchanging news and photos and keeping up to date.

The holiday resort becomes a second home

After moving into their holiday flat on the farm, the Herchels head straight out into the fresh air. They love the fantastic location of their holiday home. The view, the endless hiking and refreshment opportunities and, of course, the farm attached to the guesthouse with horses, cows and all kinds of small animals were reasons for the family to come to Hafling right from the start. But it soon turned out that the Herchel and Alber families had several things in common.

Come to stay

Bettina Alber, a passionate hostess, originally comes from the same area as the Herchels before moving to the Brunnerhof in Hafling. Another reason for the Herchels' return was the friendship that quickly developed between Emily and Lena, the daughter of the family. After all, they are the same age. Mum Nicole Herchel comes from a farm herself, so the family immediately felt welcome and at home. The first holiday was followed by several more stays in Hafling every year.

Stable work? Bring it on!

The Herchel family can now be found working in the stables with their host and farmer Helmut every evening after their hikes. Their own bag of work clothes for the barn has long been standard in their luggage. They lend a hand wherever help is needed on the farm and have even been involved in the cattle drive in autumn. After working in the stables, the girls retire to a quiet corner where they can chat undisturbed, while the adults round off the day in a happy atmosphere - in summer, their favourite place is the campfire and barbecue area next to the house.

Friendships with other host families

At least once per stay, the two families spend leisure time together, go on a hike or eat pizza together. The Herchel family's holidays have long since become a visit to friends and Hafling has become a second home. They sometimes even coordinate the dates of their holidays with other guest families they have got to know and appreciate at the Brunnerhof.

The fascination of Hafling at any time of year

As the Brunnerhof offers all year round farm holidays, the Herchel family had the opportunity to get to know their favourite holiday destination at any time of year. They find it difficult to choose a favourite season, as each has its own charm. Be it the awakening of nature in spring, the long hikes in summer, the colouring of the larch trees in autumn or horse riding in the snow-covered landscape in winter. When asked what Hafling means to them, the answer comes very quickly: "Because Hafling is our feel-good place and Lotta, Lena, Bettina and Helmut have become firm friends!". And this is ultimately also the reason for Oliver Herchel's tattoo.
Tourismusverein Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 | 4/18/2024
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