The four best spring hiking tips in Hafling-Vöran Meran 2000 The four best spring hiking tips in Hafling-Vöran Meran 2000

The four best spring hiking tips in Hafling-Vöran Meran 2000

Spring is the perfect time to explore the sunny villages of Hafling and Vöran in Merano and Environs. While perfect conditions for skiing in the sun still prevail in the Merano 2000 ski area, spring is already on its way at lower altitudes. So if you want to enjoy the fresh air, awakening nature and breathtaking views of the mountain spring in South Tyrol, then you've come to the right place!

In this article, we present five easy hiking tips to help you get to know one of the most enchanting and sunniest areas of Meran’s environs. Below you will find six useful tips that you should bare in mind when hiking in the mountains in spring.

1. Easy hike with crocus blossom
A special feature on the Tschögglberg, the high plateau above the Adige Valley and Merano, is the crocus blossom in spring. During this natural spectacle you’ll get a view of an endless sea of flowers. As soon as the snow has melted, the alpine pastures are covered in a purple and white carpet, an unforgettable sight. This hike starts in Hafling village. Take trail no. 2A, initially ascending to the Wurzer Alm mountain hut (1707 m). Depending on the snow conditions, the ascent can be extended to the Vöraner Alm mountain hut (1873 m) on trail no. 2. The way back to Hafling village is via paths no. 11A, 11 and 16. And don't forget to look out for crocuses in any open, unwooded areas!
Current information about the opening hours of the mountain huts.

Length: 8.6 km
Walking time: 3 h
Difference in altitude: 625 m

Length: 14.5 km
Walking time: 4.5 h
Difference in altitude: 1,015 m

2. The Sunnseitnsteig hike from Burgstall to Vöran
Nomen est omen: the well-marked Sunnseitnsteig (literally: sunny side trail) is located on the sunny western side of the Tschögglberg high plateau and connects the mountain village of Vöran with the village of Burgstall at the bottom of the Etschtal valley. Over a relatively short distance, you cover almost 1000 metres in altitude, making the trail a popular training route for athletes in the area. The most popular option is to cover the metres of ascent on foot and the descent by cable car - regardless of whether the starting point is in Vöran or Burgstall.
Due to its exposure, the trail is very sunny in the afternoon and therefore usually easy to walk all year round, but in summer you should avoid the afternoon hours.

Length: 4.3 km
Difference in altitude: 914 m

3. Knottnkino³ circular hiking trail
The Knottnkino³ circular hiking trail is a very special panoramic hike. The combination of hiking, views and art makes this circular trail a unique experience. While there is still snow at higher altitudes, this trail is accessible all year round. Start in Vöran at the cable car mountain station. Follow path no. 1 and no. 12 in the direction of Hafling. Turn right at the Eggerhof farm and climb up to the Rotsteinknott near the Weberhof farm. There you will find the Knottnkino, a spectacular viewpoint on the first of the three dome-shaped porphyry rocks on this circular hike. On the wooden and steel cinema chairs, the effort of the short, crisp climb is quickly forgotten. On the Rotsteinknott you’ll find also the Knottnkino 1 art installation, a wind rose engraved into the rock.
Back to the Weberhof, follow the trail no. 14, the Schützenbründlweg to the Beimstein Knott - Knottnkino 2 - with the art installation "Attimo".
From there, walk back a little to the LeNoir Forest car park. Follow the main road for a few metres in the direction of Mölten and turn right at the junction to Obertimpfler farm. Follow the signs to Knottnkino 3 and after a few minutes you will reach the Timpfler Knott with the "Wolf" art installation and rest area. Follow the signs back to the starting point in Vöran.

Length: 11.7 km
Walking time: 4 h
Difference in altitude: 470 m

4. Haflinger Adventure Trail
The Haflinger Adventure Trail is an interactive themed trail in Hafling on the subject of the Haflinger horses. The sporty horses are at home here, after all they were named after the village. The trail starts in Hafling village and ends after 2 km and 12 interactive stations at the Sulfner riding stable near the famous St. Kathrein church with a breathtaking view of Meran and the surrounding mountains. With the App Challenge (Android / IOS) you can solve even more puzzles, collect virtual horseshoes and get to know the mascot Foly better. Afterwards, you can pick up a surprise at the information office.
The trail is suitable for pushchairs.

Length: 2 km (outward journey only)
Walking time with app: 2 h
Difference in altitude: 230 m

5. from Hafling to Weiher Bruggen pond

This hike starts in Hafling village. Follow path no. 16 in the direction of Leadner Alm mountain hut. After approx. 4.5 km you will reach the Weiher Bruggen pond, an idyllic pond below the Leadner Alm mountain hut. Return along the same route or take trail no. 16 to Vöran (sports zone) and from there take the bus back to the starting point.

Length: 4.5 km
Difference in altitude: 434 m
Duration: approx. 1.5 h

Length: 6.5 km
Difference in altitude: 473 m
Duration: approx. 2 h

6 useful tips for spring hikes in the mountains:

  • Old snowfields or frozen passages can be unwelcome obstacles in spring. With the right equipment, such as good footwear and light crampons, they can be easily overcome.
  • Many huts and inns are still closed or have limited opening hours. Find out in advance from the information office about catering en route and take sufficient provisions with you in your rucksack.
  • Find out about trail closures in advance. Windthrow, woodwork, tree breakage due to snow load or avalanches can mean that paths are still impassable in spring.
  • Clothing: the temperature can still fluctuate greatly in spring. With clothing based on the onion principle, you are well equipped for any temperature.
  • Be careful when choosing a tour: Sunny paths tend to be free of snow and are therefore the better choice - also because it is more pleasant to hike in the sun. Don't forget sun protection despite the chilly temperatures!
  • What is important all year round is especially true in spring: respect nature! Avoid noise, stay on the paths and take your rubbish back down into the valley. Please always keep your dog on a lead. Thank you very much!

Tourismusverein Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 | 2/22/2024
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