Wandelroutes in het Ultental
Wandelroutes door het dal en de bergen in het Ultental
Wandelroutes in het Ultental

Wandelroutes in het Ultental

Wandelroutes door het dal en de bergen in het Ultental

Meer dan 600 km goed gemarkeerde wandelroutes doorkruisen het Val d'Ultimo/Ultental. Eenvoudige gezinswandelingen voeren langs de stuwmeren of door het wandelgebied Schwemmalm. Boven de boomgrens liggen veel kleine bergmeren, ideaal voor een wandeling met het hele gezin. In afgelegen bergdalen lopen wandelaars vaak helemaal alleen. Geoefende wandelaars lopen in het nationale park Stilfserjoch.
Farm Trail in Ulten Valley open
Hiking, all hiking routes
Farm Trail in Ulten Valley
The Ultner Höfeweg farms hiking trail  leads past ancient farmyards. Fantastic views of the surrounding mountains are available from here. The trail ...
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S. Valburga Kneippweg Trail open
Hiking, Themed Trails, Path suitable for baby carriages
S. Valburga Kneippweg Trail
A flat-surfaced, shaded, idyllic path along the lakeshore of the Zoggler reservoir with 6 stations with sculptures on the subject of Kneipp, a ...
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Badlweg Trail S. Pancrazio open
Hiking, all hiking routes, Themed Trails
Badlweg Trail S. Pancrazio
A challenging path, partially paved, partially steep, runs in the footsteps of historic bathhouses. Located 200 m above the Lotterbad oasis is a ...
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S. Pancrazio Mühlenweg Trail open
Hiking, Themed Trails
S. Pancrazio Mühlenweg Trail
Diverse, shady forest path into Kirchbachtal Valley by the remnants of old mills (Stegmühle mill, Aichermühle mill, millstones at Linserhof farm) ...
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Nature Trail S. Pancrazio/St. Pankraz open
Nature Trail S. Pancrazio/St. Pankraz
The 5 km long hiking trail serves the purpose of discovering the great diversity of species in the nature of the Ultental Valley.
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Proves Erlebniswanderweg Trail open
Proves Erlebniswanderweg Trail
The hiking trail at the cultural border between South Tyrol and the Province of Trento runs over mountain pastures, meadows and trough forests. The ...
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New Lake Trail open
Hiking, Path suitable for baby carriages
New Lake Trail
The newly created lake trail runs along the lakeshore at the Zoggler Reservoir. Ideal for a leisurely walk with child and four-legged friend, for ...
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S. Pancrazio Trifterweg Trail open
S. Pancrazio Trifterweg Trail
A very exciting and romantic gorge trail along the Falschauer river, with information boards about timber rafting (timber transportation across the ...
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«12» 9 Einträge auf 2 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 1-8
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