Evenementen voor elks smaak


Evenementen voor elks smaak

Merano/Meran is een levendige stad en biedt een verscheidenheid aan internationale evenementen. Hier vindt u korte beschrijvingen van de belangrijkste events. Meer informatie staat vermeld in flyers, brochures en drukwerk, die verkrijgbaar zijn bij de VVV Merano (Corso della Libertà/Freiheitsstraße 45).
Women's Day initiatives 2025
zondag 23 mrt
08:00 - 21:00
Women's Day initiatives 2025
Under the coordination of the Merano Municipality's Equal Opportunities Department, this year's programme will once again be packed with events and activities, organised and offered by numerous local ...
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Exhibition: Aerolectics by Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński
zondag 23 mrt
11:00 - 18:00
Exhibition: Aerolectics by Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński
Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński's Aerolectics investigates, through an unprecedented series of works, the origins and spread on the African continent of the European Catholic missionary system and its ...
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Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Simone Solga (D)
zondag 23 mrt
18:00 - 20:00
Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Simone Solga (D)
In german language. Happily into the depths with Solga. Germany has always been the great role model - not least in South Tyrol. Simone Solga does away with that. The best German of all time ...
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Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
zondag 23 mrt
18:00 - 20:00
Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. ...
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Conference - Il pregiudizio, l’obiettività e l’errore cognitivo
maandag 24 mrt
18:00 - 20:00
Conference - Il pregiudizio, l’obiettività e l’errore cognitivo
We basically attribute a negative meaning to the term ‘prejudice’. This mechanism is actually due to the fact that our brain works according to a principle of economy: that is, it uses the elements ...
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Theatre in Italian language: Sissi l'Imperatrice
maandag 24 mrt
20:30 - 22:00
Theatre in Italian language: Sissi l'Imperatrice
Written and directed by Roberto Cavosi with Federica Luna Vincenti and with (in o.a) Ira Nohemi Fronten, Claudia A. Marsicano, Miana Merisi, Milutin Dapce Sissi the Empress is the story of the ...
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Small Tuesday market in Merano
dinsdag 25 mrt
08:00 - 13:00
Small Tuesday market in Merano
Small market with various market stalls with clothes, shoes, leather goods, foods like bread, sausages and meat products etc.
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Die Nacht der Musicals 2025 - The Most Successful Musical Gala!
woensdag 26 mrt
20:00 - 22:30
Die Nacht der Musicals 2025 - The Most Successful Musical Gala!
In a spectacular two-hour show, highlights from the most famous musicals are brought to life with passion and energy. Stars from the original productions take the audience on a journey through the ...
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