Evénements pour tous les goûts


Evénements pour tous les goûts

Merano/Meran est une ville animée et offre une variété d'événements d'importance internationale. Dans cette section, vous trouverez de courtes descriptions des événements les plus importants. Les prospectus, brochures et documents imprimés disponibles à l'administration du centre de cure de Merano (rue Corso della Libertà/ Freiheitsstraße 45) comportent des informations supplémentaires.
Meran beWegt: Early Bird - a movement session for body and soul
samedi 22 mars
07:30 - 09:00
Meran beWegt: Early Bird - a movement session for body and soul
As the day opens its eyes and the city shakes off sleep, it is time for Early Bird. The tranquillity of the moment stimulates awareness. In an informal atmosphere and in the company of those who know ...
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Women's Day initiatives 2025
samedi 22 mars
08:00 - 21:00
Women's Day initiatives 2025
Under the coordination of the Merano Municipality's Equal Opportunities Department, this year's programme will once again be packed with events and activities, organised and offered by numerous local ...
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In German: Diversity in children's books
samedi 22 mars
10:00 - 12:00
In German: Diversity in children's books
Books are essential for children's education. They explain complex issues in simple language, provide children and parents with answers to difficult questions and help them to discover and understand ...
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Exhibition: Aerolectics by Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński
samedi 22 mars
10:00 - 18:00
Exhibition: Aerolectics by Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński
Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński's Aerolectics investigates, through an unprecedented series of works, the origins and spread on the African continent of the European Catholic missionary system and its ...
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Reading with dad
samedi 22 mars
11:00 - 12:30
Reading with dad
"Lesebär" invites you. Reading mornings for fathers with children.
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samedi 22 mars
17:00 - 19:00
Conference "La Meranite"
We will talk about Meranith, the Merano gemstone of volcanic origin from Nova valley, about the morphological aspect of the area around Hafling, about the search for ores and their processing by ...
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Language and culture: Ireland Saint Patrick's Day Special
samedi 22 mars
18:00 - 19:00
Language and culture: Ireland Saint Patrick's Day Special
We also look at shamrocks, leprechauns and the colour green. There will also be some information on the Irish language, Gaelic, and we will try some typical Irish snacks. See you - in green clothing? ...
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Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Simone Solga (D)
dimanche 23 mars
18:00 - 20:00
Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Simone Solga (D)
In german language. Happily into the depths with Solga. Germany has always been the great role model - not least in South Tyrol. Simone Solga does away with that. The best German of all time ...
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«123456» 43 Einträge auf 6 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 1-8