St. Kathreinkerk in Hafling
De legendarische bergkerk op de hoogvlakte van Hafling, Vöran en Meran 2000
St. Kathreinkerk in Hafling
St. Kathreinkerk in Hafling
St. Kathreinkerk in Hafling

St. Kathreinkerk in Hafling

De legendarische bergkerk op de hoogvlakte van Hafling, Vöran en Meran 2000

Net als vele andere bergkerken in Zuid-Tirol ligt ook de St. Kathreinkerk in Hafling/Avelengo op een plek die al in de prehistorie voor religieuze doeleinden werd gebruikt. In de 12e eeuw werd hier een kerk door een brand verwoest. In 1452 werd de nieuwe kerk gewijd.

De Legende
Volgens de legende wilden de bewoners in de omgeving een kerk bouwen. Er boden zich twee reuzen aan om te helpen, maar eigenlijk moesten die op hetzelfde moment ook een kerk bouwen in het naburige Langfenn. Aangezien ze maar één hamer hadden, moesten ze die delen. Op een dag kregen ze ruzie waarna de bouwheer van Lafenn een paar enorme stenen pakte en deze naar St. Kathrein in Hafling wierp. De rotsblokken misten hun doel, maar ze liggen er nu nog, onderaan de kerk in de wei.
Europe's highest champagne cellar Arunda: Produce tasting guided by experts
woensdag 24 jul
10:00 - 12:00
Europe's highest champagne cellar Arunda: Produce tasting guided by experts
Europe's highest wine cellar Arunda offers you guided information tours through the prodution hall and introduces you to the production of finest sparkling wine. Please sign up directly at the Arund ...
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Easy cooking for children: cooking Kaiserschmarrn together
woensdag 24 jul
10:30 - 12:30
Easy cooking for children: cooking Kaiserschmarrn together
Kaiserschmarrn is good! Cooking it is really easy, as long as you keep a few tricks in mind. In this cookery course, farmer Brigitte from Avelengo reveals the recipe for a delicious Kaiserschmarrn ...
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Summer festival in San Genesio
woensdag 24 jul
San Genesio
19:00 - 23:59
Summer festival in San Genesio
We look forward to welcoming you to the summer fete of San Genesio with the following program: - numerous culinary delicacies - leisure art markets - activities for kids and much more! Start: 7 p.m. ...
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Mindful Motion: start your day consciously
donderdag 25 jul
07:30 - 09:00
Mindful Motion: start your day consciously
In these morning movement sessions in the midst of nature, your body and mind are awakened and prepared for the day through the healing movements of yoga, targeted stretching and breathing exercises ...
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Weekly market in the center of Meltina
donderdag 25 jul
08:00 - 13:00
Weekly market in the center of Meltina
Every Saturday: little Market in the center of Mölten with various stalls: fruit and vegetables, cheese and flowers. And every 2nd Thursday of the month!
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E-bike tour through Hafling & Vöran
donderdag 25 jul
09:30 - 13:30
E-bike tour through Hafling & Vöran
Every Thursday, bike guide Markus takes us from Hafling on an e-bike over the Tschögglberg. On forest and woodland paths, we first ride via the Moschwald Alm and Maiser Alm up to the E5. The route is ...
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The wonderful world of the honey bee
donderdag 25 jul
Hafling Oberdorf
10:00 - 12:00
The wonderful world of the honey bee
Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of the honey bee. Together with beekeeper Michael, you will open a beehive at one of his travelling stands, watch the busy bees at work and learn all sorts of ...
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Guided tour and schnapps tasting in the Schwarz-Brennerei distillery
donderdag 25 jul
17:00 - 19:00
Guided tour and schnapps tasting in the Schwarz-Brennerei distillery
Every thursday guided tour and schnapps tasting in the Schwarz-Brennerei distillery. Registration at Tel +39 340 7621149, by arrangement guided tours can also be booked for other days Participation ...
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«123456» 42 Einträge auf 6 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 17-24
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