Maximum space for families In the holiday area Tesimo-Prissiano you will find apartments that offer you enough
space to fully enjoy your holiday. Well-appointed kitchens and kitchenettes make
self-catering enjoyable and uncomplicated. Especially
families appreciate the independence and enjoy the personal and warm care of the mostly family-run businesses of apartments in Tesimo-Prissiano. In many places there is the possibility to book breakfast.
In Tesimo-Prissiano there exist a lot of different accommodations that are subdivided in accommodation types.
You can choose between hotel, pension, garni, private accommodation and farm holidays.
Here a short explanation. All types of accommodation have different types of rating:
- Stars are used by accommodation type:
pension, garni and residence
- Suns are used by accommodation type:
private accommodation
- Flowers are used by the accommodation type:
farm holidays