A stroll alongside the clear streams and sparkling lakes of the Passeiertal Valley is a spectacle in itself. The Erensee, Faglssee, Großer Schwarzsee, Obiselsee and the Seebersee lakes are just some of the lakes in the Passeiertal Valley that attract numerous hikers from far and wide. The Spronserseen lake cluster constitute the largest lake plateau in South Tyrol and are well worth visiting. Rising up in the heart of the Texelgruppe Nature Park, the crystal-clear waters of the ten lakes glisten at altitudes of between 2,120 m and 2,590 m.
Other worthwhile and refreshing hiking destinations are the Passeiertal Valley’s waterfalls, like the waterfall in St. Martin/S. Martino at the entrance to the earthy Kalmtal Valley, the Stieber waterfalls in Moos/Moso and the Stuller waterfalls in Stuls/Stulles, which tumbles to the depths at 342 m in two cascades, making it one of Europe’s third-highest waterfalls.