The FuniCard for Merano and environs permits you to reach mountains with cable cars and lifts in Merano and the villages in the near environs. The Card is available during summer season til november.
05.04. – 09.11.2025
- Adults: 80,00€
- Kids (2012-2019): 30,00€
- Dogs: 30,00€
The participating cableway facilities are:
- Chair Lift Oberkirn-Grube
- Funiculars Hirzer (Saltusio/Prenn)
- Funiculars Hirzer (Prenn/Klammeben)
- Funicular Merano 2000
- Funicular Falzeben
- Cableway Naifjoch
- Funicular Mittager
- Funicular Grünboden
- Funicular Schwemmalm
- Funicular Texelbahn
- Funicluar Unterstell
- Funicular Monte San Vigilio
- Chairlift Monte San Vigilio
- Cable Car Rio Lagundo
The Card is available at the cable cars’ cash points (except at the cable car Vigiljoch). Please check the opening hours of the cableway facilities.
The FuniCard is valid for 6 days from the date of its first validation. In this period, the holder can use the card on 4 days of his/her choice for one ascent and descent with each facility per day.