The Passeiertal Valley

A holiday in one of the most varied valleys of South Tyrol

The Passeiertal Valley, birthplace of the Tyrolean national hero Andreas Hofer, is one of the most unspoiled and scenically diverse valleys in South Tyrol. Located north of Meran/Merano, the valley winds upwards to the Jaufenpass pass, along an ancient trading route. In the lower part of the valley, between Riffian/Rifiano-Kuens/Caines, St. Martin/S. Martino and the main town of St. Leonhard/S.Leonardo, holidaymakers will find a gentle, expansive valley landscape with Mediterranean flair and top-class hotels. In the upper part of the valley, between Moos/Moso, Stuls/Stulles, Rabenstein/Corvara, Platt/Plata and “soft mobility” Pfelders/Plan, the high alpine landscape rises proudly, offering breath-taking views into the mountains. Protected on its north side, with 300 days of sunshine every year and fascinating climatic contrasts, the Passeiertal Valley is a top destination for athletes, families, gourmets and those seeking rest and relaxation.
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passeiertal_valpassiria passeiertal_valpassiria 3 days ago

🍏 The apple harvest in Passeiertal Valley is almost over! 🌿✨

A huge thank you for your understanding when the tractors are moving a bit slower. 🚜❤️ For our farmers, harvesting the best apples for you is a labor of love – and hard work, too. 🍏🍎💪

Did you know that around 950,000 tons of apples ripen in South Tyrol every year? 🍏✨

So, if you're craving fresh South Tyrolean apples, now’s the best time to grab them! 🍃

📸 Othmar Seehauser
📸 Petr Blaha
📸 Benjamin Pfitscher

#visitpasseiertal #passeiertal #südtirol #visitsüdtirol #altoadige #valpassiria

Passeiertal-Val Passiria Passeiertal-Val Passiria 3 days ago
Passeiertal-Val Passiria

🍏 Die Apfelernte im Passeiertal ist fast vorbei! 🌿✨

Ein riesiges Dankeschön für euer Verständnis, wenn die Traktoren mal etwas langsamer unterwegs sind. 🚜❤️ Für unsere Bauern ist es eine Herzensangelegenheit – und gleichzeitig harte Arbeit –, die besten Äpfel für euch zu ernten. 🍏🍎💪

Schon gewusst, dass in Südtirol jährlich ca. 950.000 Tonnen Äpfel reifen? 🍏✨

Also, falls du Lust auf frische Südtiroler Äpfel hast, greif zu – jetzt ist die beste Zeit! 🍃


🍏 La raccolta delle mele in Val Passiria è quasi terminata! 🌿✨

Un enorme grazie per la vostra comprensione quando i trattori vanno un po' più lenti. 🚜❤️ Per i nostri agricoltori, raccogliere le migliori mele per voi è una questione di cuore, ma anche di tanto lavoro duro. 🍏🍎💪

Sapevate che in Alto Adige maturano circa 950.000 tonnellate di mele ogni anno? 🍏✨

Quindi, se avete voglia di mele fresche dell'Alto Adige, ora è il momento migliore per prenderle! 🍃

📸 Othmar Seehauser
📸 Petr Blaha
📸 Benjamin Pfitscher

Passeiertal-Val Passiria Passeiertal-Val Passiria 5 days ago
Passeiertal-Val Passiria

🎣🌿 Südtiroler Köstlichkeiten - da darf das Passeiertal nicht fehlen! 🌄✨
Hier findest du ruhige Plätze in glasklaren Bächen und stillen Seen – perfekt, um mal so richtig abzuschalten und den großen Fang zu machen. Egal ob Forelle, Saibling oder einfach nur pure Entspannung – die Natur liefert alles! 🐟💧

Klingt gut? ARTE TV war auch schon da und hat das Angeln im Passeiertal in Szene gesetzt! 🎥


🎣🌿 Delizie altoatesine – la Val Passiria non può mancare! 🌄✨
Qui troverai angoli tranquilli in ruscelli cristallini e laghi silenziosi – perfetti per staccare la spina e fare una bella cattura. Che si tratti di trota, salmerino o semplicemente puro relax, la natura offre tutto! 🐟💧

Ti sembra interessante? Anche ARTE TV è già stata qui e ha messo in scena la pesca in Val Passiria! 🎥


📸 Benjamin Pfitscher

passeiertal_valpassiria passeiertal_valpassiria 5 days ago

🎣🌿 South Tyrolean delights – the Passeiertal Valley is a must! 🌄✨
Here you’ll find peaceful spots in crystal-clear streams and serene lakes – perfect for unwinding and making that big catch. Whether it’s trout, char, or simply pure relaxation, nature provides it all! 🐟💧

Sounds good? ARTE TV has already been here and captured fishing in the Passeiertal Valley! 🎥


📸 Benjamin Pfitscher

#visitpasseiertal #passeiertal #südtirol #visitsüdtirol #altoadige #valpassiria

passeiertal_valpassiria passeiertal_valpassiria 7 days ago

🏞️🚶‍♂️ Fancy a journey through time? Head to the MuseumPasseier open-air museum! 🎩✨
Here in the Passeiertal Valley, history comes alive! Wander through the open-air museum and discover how farmers lived in the past – in well-preserved farms and workshops. 🏡🌾

Bread baking, handicrafts, and plenty of exciting stories are waiting for you! You'll also learn a lot about our Psairer dialect. It's perfect for a family day out. 🌿👨‍🌾

📸 @herb_media_
📸 Angelika Schwarz

#visitpasseiertal #passeiertal #südtirol #visitsüdtirol #altoadige #valpassiria

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