In spring and summer, you can harvest wild greens in the garden and woods and make a wonderful salad!
This salad is not only delicious, but also very healthy! Which wild herbs you use for the light salad is entirely up to your personal taste - or what the garden or forest just give! Together with the fresh goat cheese and the homemade apple cider vinegar from the farmer, this is a perfect combination for a delicious and vitalizing spring dish!
10 Wild edible plants weeds and greens to eat: wild garlic, deadnettle, chicory (chicory), sorrel, wild hop sprouts, wild asparagus, groundsel, ribwort, brook cress and yarrow.
250 g Fresh goat cheese
Black and white sesame seeds, roasted
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
4 tablespoons olive oil
Salt, pepper
Various herbs and spices to taste, fresh or dried (for the cheese pralines)
Various seasonal edible flowers for decoration