Braised beef with Pinot Noir
800 g of beef (rump or shoulder)
750 ml of brown veal stock or meat broth
Freshly ground salt and pepper
4 pieces of dried porcini, softened in water
4 tbsp of oil for sautéing
1 sprig of thyme
300 g of roasted vegetables (carrots, onions, celery)
1 sprig of rosemary
100 g of ripe tomatoes
1 sage leaf
30 g of tomato purée
1/2 bay leaf
250 ml of Pinot Noir
1 tbsp cornstarch for thickening the sauce
1 clove of garlic
1 tbsp cold butter to give the sauce a glossy finish
Season the meat well with salt and pepper, brown on all sides in a hot casserole dish in oil and then remove from the casserole.
Cut the roasted vegetables into rough cubes, put in the casserole, brown lightly and pour over excess fat.
Add the tomatoes and tomato purée, slake with the red wine, add the meat and allow the liquid to almost completely boil down.
Add the garlic clove, brown veal stock, dried mushrooms, thyme, rosemary, sage and bay leaf, cover and braise in the oven until tender at 160-180º C for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Turn the meat often as it cooks.
Remove the meat from the casserole and keep warm.
Remove the fat from the sauce, leave to simmer until it reaches the right consistency (approx. 15 minutes), strain and if necessary thicken with a little cornstarch and add butter for a glossy finish.
Slice the meat, put on plates, pour on the sauce, and garnish with bacon bits and croutons

We recommend that you serve this dish with mashed potato, homemade potato waffles or broccoli florets.
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