Millefoglie (Millefeuille)

with rhubarb cream on strawberry mirror with elderflower foam

60 Min
5 Min
For 4 people

For the millefoglie
250 g flour type 00
125 g butter
2 eggs
1/2 p. baking powder
1 tbsp. cacao

For the elderflower foam

150 ml elderberry syrup
300 ml South Tyrolean white pine
3 jelly leaves

For the strawberry sauce
100 g strawberries
30 ml redcurrant syrup

For the rhubarb cream
400 g rhubarb, cleaned and diced
500 ml milk
2 tbsp. sugar
250 g mascarpone
500 g cream
1 vanilla berry
1 lemon zest
3 tbsp icing sugar
2 tbsp zabaione liqueur
Elderflower foam
Put the jelly in cold water. Cook the syrup with the white wine. Remove from heat, put the gelatine and stir until melted.
Put everything in a mixer and let it cool for 3 hours.

Strawberry sauce
Blend the strawberries, put the syrup and pass it all through a sieve.

Rhubarb cream
Cook rhubarb in sweetened milk. Take it out and let it cool. Beat the mascarpone and cream and put the rind, vanilla, icing sugar and liqueur. Mix with the rhubarb and let it cool.

Mix the flour, butter, eggs and yeast until you get a smooth dough. Half of the dough is colourless with cocoa powder.
Roll out the dough thinly, cut it into a triangle shape and place in the oven for about 5 minutes.

Put the strawberry sauce on the plate. Create a tower of millefoglie and rhubarb cream.
To finish, garnish with elderberry foam.
Recipe by: Restaurant Niederhof, Quadrat/Partschins-Parcines