Fishing in South Tyrol
Unforgettable fishing experiences guaranteed!
Fishing in South Tyrol

South Tyrol's waters

A paradise for passionate fishermen

South Tyrol's waters are a true paradise for passionate anglers! Amidst the breathtaking mountain scenery, numerous fish species can be caught here. The clear mountain streams and crystal-clear lakes provide ideal conditions for fishing. If you're looking for tranquility in nature while pursuing your hobby, this is the right place.
The region is known for its natural beauty and unparalleled flora and fauna. So why not pack your fishing backpack and head to South Tyrol? An unforgettable adventure in the great outdoors awaits you!

Whether you're a beginner or a pro, everyone will find something here. The prerequisite for obtaining a day permit on the Adige or at the reservoirs is the Italian state fishing license. This can be obtained with your ID at the Go-Fish fishing shop in Kastelbell, Dorfplatz 7, Tel. +39 0473 624464. Day permits for the Adige (from Lake Haider to the Naturno Bridge, including all tributaries) at the Jausenstation Langwies, Schießstandweg 6, Tel. +39 0473 667526. For the Vernagt reservoir in the Schnalstal Valley, go to the Hotel Vernagt in Vernagt. In the fishing ponds of Goldrain, Prato, Silandro, and Stava, it is possible to fish without a state license. Day permits can be obtained on-site.
Fishing waters
in the surroundings
Lake of Stava
Lake of Stava
Fishing for non-members and holiday guests . On Saturdays , Sundays and public holidays ( 08 . 00 – 20 . 00 clock ) you can fish rods at the fishing pond . The ...
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Fishing in the lake Haidersee
Fishing in the lake Haidersee
Fishing in the lake Haidersee Angling close to the Resia/Reschen Pass – Haidersee is a natural lake and a favourite among anglers in the uppermost Val ...
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Fishing in the lake Reschensee
Fishing in the lake Reschensee
The northernmost area around Resia Lake retains its own fishing rights. Fishermen can enjoy their hobby with 2 fishing from the shore in the lake Reschensee. ...
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Vernagt reservoir
Vernagt reservoir
Fishing at the Vernago Lake The purchase of a day pass is subject to the presentation of an Italian national licence for fishing. These can be obtained from ...
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Fish pond at the Sandhof
Fish pond at the Sandhof
The governmental licence is not necessary. The day ticket incl. equipment and bait for sale! The day ticket costs €18,00 and is valid for 4 trouts. A bait bag ...
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Naturns  I  Naturno

🏃‍♂️ Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun Naturns – 05. April 2025 🏃‍♀️

Bist du bereit für das ultimative Trailrun-Abenteuer? 🌟 Nächste Woche ist es endlich soweit, der Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun wartet auf dich! Tauche ein in die atemberaubende Bergwelt und erlebe unvergessliche Momente – mit spektakulären Ausblicken, herausfordernden Trails und jeder Menge Action! 🔥

🗓️ Wann? 05. April 2025

Was dich erwartet:
✨ Vielfältige Strecken für alle Schwierigkeitsgrade
✨ Natur pur: Wunderschöne Panoramen und spannende Herausforderungen
✨ Eine top organisierte Veranstaltung mit jeder Menge Spaß und guter Stimmung!

Sei dabei!❤🔥


🏃‍♂️ Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun Naturno – 05 aprile 2025 🏃‍♀️

Sei pronto per l'ultima avventura di Trailrun? 🌟 La prossima settimana è finalmente il grande giorno, l'Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun ti aspetta! Immergiti nel paesaggio montano mozzafiato e vivi momenti indimenticabili – con panorami spettacolari, sentieri impegnativi e tanta adrenalina! 🔥

🗓️ Quando? 05 aprile 2025

Cosa ti aspetta:
✨ Percorsi vari per tutti i livelli di difficoltà
✨ Natura pura: panorami stupendi e sfide emozionanti
✨ Un evento ben organizzato con tanto divertimento e una grande atmosfera!

Partecipa anche tu! ❤🔥

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 3 days ago

Are you as excited as we are for the colorful blooms of spring in Naturns?🌸
🌿 Nature is slowly waking up from its winter sleep, transforming into a sea of colors.
It’s the perfect time to be outdoors and enjoy the first spring days in Naturns!🌞💚

📸: Vinschgau Marketing_Patrick Schwienbacher

#naturns #naturno #spring #springvibes #springflowers #sunnyweather #outdoor #southtyrol #südtirol #frühling #frühlingserwachsen #frühlingsblumen #blüte #traumwetter #aussichtgenießen #altoadige #primavera🌸 #primavera25 #fioridiprimavera #sole #altoadigedavivere #altoadigedavedere

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 5 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

Wie wärs mit einem Frühlingsspaziergang mit der ganzen Familie👨‍👩‍👦 durch Naturns?🌷Die frische Luft, die ersten Blüten und das Erwachen der Natur machen jeden Schritt zu einem kleinen Abenteuer.🥰

💛Euch erwartet:
- jede Menge Sonne ☀
- ein Blütenmeer 🌸
- Outdoor-Aktivitäten 🚴‍♀️🏔
- Frühlings-Highlights (Bergfrühling, Frühlingsfest & Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun)

und vieles mehr!🤩

📸: Tourismusgenossenschaft Naturns_Thomas Grüner


Che ne dite di una passeggiata primaverile con tutta la famiglia 👨‍👩‍👦 a Naturno? 🌷 L'aria fresca, i primi fiori e il risveglio della natura rendono ogni passo una piccola avventura. 🥰

💛 Vi aspetta:
- tanto sole ☀
- un mare di fiori 🌸
- attività all'aria aperta 🚴‍♀️🏔
- Highlights di Primavera (Primavera in Montagna, la Festa di Primavera & l'Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun)

e tanto altro! 🤩

📸: Tourismusgenossenschaft Naturns_Thomas Grüner

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 6 days ago

Spring is slowly arriving, and so are the crocuses! 🌸✨ As the days get longer and the sun shines brighter, nature awakens with a burst of color. These little flowers are a beautiful reminder that after every winter, there’s a season of new beginnings and fresh possibilities.🥰

📸: Vinschgau Marketing_Patrick Schwienbacher

#naturns #naturno #spring #springvibes #crocuses #newbeginnings✨ #mountains #southtyrol #südtirol #frühlingsblumen #frühlingsanfang #frühlingserwachen #frühlingszeit #krokusse #berge #altoadige #primavera🌸 #montagne #fiori #altoadigedascoprire #altoadigedavivere

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 6 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🎉 Notiert euch den 30. März im Kalender!🎉
Erlebt den Naturnser Bergfrühling am Meraner Höhenweg 🏞️.
Gemeinsam mit den Berggasthöfen und Hofschänken eröffnen wir die Bergsaison am Naturnser Sonnenberg. ☀️
Taucht ein in das Leben der Bergbauern 🌾, ihre Traditionen und ihren Alltag.
Lasst euch das traditionelle Südtiroler Essen der Sonnenberger Berggasthöfe und Hofschänke nicht entgehen 🍽️.

Wir freuen uns auf euch!❤️


🎉 Segnatevi il 30 marzo sul calendario! 🎉
Vivi la primavera in montagna a Naturno sull'Alta Via di Merano🏞️.
Insieme alle osterie e taverne agricole, apriamo la stagione in montagna sul monte sole di Naturno.☀️
Immergiti nella vita degli agricoltori di montagna 🌾, nelle loro tradizioni e nella loro quotidianità.
Non perdere la cucina tradizionale altoatesina delle osterie e taverne agricole del monte sole di Naturno. 🍽️

Vi aspettiamo con entusiasmo! ❤️

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