Via Claudia Augusta
Once a trade route, today a popular hiking and cycling path
Via Claudia Augusta
News The Unterstell cable car  will be out of service from 08.01.2025 to 28.02.2025.

The Via Claudia Augusta

From the Danube to the Adriatic along the ancient Roman trade route Via Claudia Augusta

The typical road Via Claudia Augusta has its origins with the Celts. It connects northern Italy with southern Germany and was in antiquity the easiest way to cross the Alps.
The Romans, at the time under Nero Claudius Drusus, used the existing Celtic routes for travel; Nero's son, Claudius, then expanded the road into a trade route and named it "Via Claudia Augusta" - in mermory of his father.
The first real road over the Alps strechtes over 700 km from the Danube, through the Fernpass, further over the highest point at the Reschenpass, through the Vinschgau valley, to the spa town of Merano, where Empress Sissi had already been a guest. It then passes through the capital of South Tyrol - Bolzano - and continues to Trento, where the road split. The western part leads through Verona to the Po Valley near Ostiglia (Hostilia), while the eastern part, also called the Via Claudia Augusta Altinate, goes through Feltre to the Adriatic at Altinum.

Highlights along the Via Claudia Augusta in the Vinschgaue valley
The curch tower at Lake Resia, the Benedictine monastery of Marienberg above Burgeis, the medieval town of Glurns, the Churburg, Lasa marble, the Messner Mountain Museum at Juval Castle, the Curch of St. Proculus in Naturns, a replica of a Roman milestone in Rabland, a Roman inscription in Partschins, Töll - the former Roman customs station, and the Trauttmansdorff throne (viewpoint in Algund). Today, the highlights of the Via Claudia Augusta can be explored along the "Etsch Cycle Path" or the "Vinschgau Cycle Path".
Route Information

 Name Via Claudia Augusta
 Start Donauwörth
 Destination Venice / Alitnate (eastern section)
 Lenght approximately 820 km
 Elevation Gain approximately 8,300m
 Elevation Loss approximately 8,700m

The logo of the Via Claudia Augusta and the roman milestone
Roman milestone of the Via Claudia Augusta
Roman milestone of the Via Claudia Augusta
The discovery of an ancient Roman Milestone proves that the old Roman road, the via Claudia Augusta, which led up and over the Alps, ran through Töll/Tel and ...
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Grave stone from the Roman era - Via Claudia Augusta
Grave stone from the Roman era - Via Claudia Augusta
At Hochhueben Hof farm in Partschins/Parcines, a feudal holding of the Salzburg Bishops dating to the 14th century, a Roman gravestone has been built into the ...
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Explore the Via Claudia Augusta with our bike shuttle
Bike Shuttle in Naturns
Bike Shuttle in Naturns
Reach your destination in comfort with the bike shuttle
Impressions of the Via Claudia Augusta
Etsch Bike Route from Meran/Merano to Bozen/Bolzano
Routes (also with e-bike), Racing bikes
Etsch Bike Route from Meran/Merano to Bozen/Bolzano
The Etsch Bike Route is a pleasant cycle path running from Meran/Merano to Bozen/Bolzano. If you rent your bike at the “Südtirol Rad” rental point in ...
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Bicycle Via Claudia Augusta, part Naturno to Merano
Routes (also with e-bike), Racing bikes
Bicycle "Via Claudia Augusta", part Naturno to Merano
Naturno - Plaus - Rablá - Tel - Lagundo - Merano The bicycle route along the Adige River passes along the ancient Via Claudia Augusta all the way to ...
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Etsch Bike Route: Vinschgau Valley, Mals/Malles-Meran/Merano
Routes (also with e-bike)
Etsch Bike Route: Vinschgau Valley, Mals/Malles-Meran/Merano
Starting from Meran/Merano, you can explore the Vinschgau Valley while taking advantage of a beneficial combination: bike and train. The Vinschgau ...
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Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 5 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wer von euch, freut sich auch schon auf den Frühling in Naturns?🌸

Wir haben wieder einige Highlights für euch:
30.03.2025 - Bergfrühling am Naturnser Sonnenberg☀️
05.04.2025 - Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun - Wir feiern 5 Jahre!🎊
12.04.2025 - Frühlingsfest in Naturns🌷


🇮🇹: Chi di voi non vede l'ora che arrivi la primavera a Naturno?🌸

Anche quest'anno abbiamo una varietá di eventi primaverili:
30.03.2025 - Primavera in montagna al monte sole di Naturno☀️
05.04.2025 - Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun - Festeggiamo 5 anni!🎊
12.04.2025 - Festa di primavera a Naturno🌷

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 9 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wo ist der Schnee geblieben?❄️
Wer von euch weiß, auf welche Stadt wir schauen?🤔

📸: Kurverwaltung Meran/Tommy Hetzel


🇮🇹: Dov'é rimasta la neve?❄️
Chi di voi sa quale cittá stiamo ammirando?🤔

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 12 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!❤️


Familien Wellness Residence Tyrol****

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 13 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Urlaub in Naturns schon gebucht?🤔
Der Südtirol Guest Pass ermöglicht euch, ganz Südtirol mit einem Ticket zu erkunden.❤ Der Südtirol Guest Pass ist im Zimmerpreis enthalten und wird euch direkt beim Check-in in der jeweiligen Unterkunft überreicht oder per Mail zugesendet.😍

NEU: Den Südtirol Guest Pass gibt es 2025 nur mehr in digitaler Version. Jetzt ganz einfach QR-Code scannen! Ein "OK" auf dem Display und ein Signal bestätigen die Entwertung.💪

📸: IDM Südtirol/Patrick Schwienbacher


🇮🇹: Vacanza a Naturno già prenotata? 🤔
Il Südtirol Guest Pass vi permette di esplorare tutto l'Alto Adige con un unico biglietto.❤ Il Südtirol Guest Pass è incluso nel prezzo della camera e vi verrà consegnato direttamente al momento del check-in presso il vostro alloggio o viene inviato via e-mail.😍

NOVITÀ: il Südtirol Guest Pass sarà disponibile solo in forma digitale nel 2025. Basta scansionare il codice QR! Un segnale acustico e un messaggio “OK” sul display confermano la corretta convalida.💪

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 17 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Ski-Erlebnisse für die ganze Familie in der Alpin Arena Schnals!⛷
Umgeben von den schneebedeckten Gipfeln des Hochjochferners zieht das Skigebiet nicht nur einheimische Skifahrer, Familien und Feriengäste an😍, sondern ist auch ein beliebtes Trainingsgebiet für die Weltelite des Wintersports.❄

Die Alpin Arena Schnals ist mit dem Auto oder bequem mit dem öffentlichen Bus zu erreichen.🚗
Also, worauf wartet ihr noch? Zieht euch warm an und los geht's!💙


🇮🇹: Esperienze sciistiche per tutta la famiglia nell'Alpin Arena Senales!⛷
Circondata dalle cime innevate dell`Hochjochfernerm l'Alpin Arena Senales attira non solo sciatori locali😍, famiglie e turisti, ma è anche una meta ambita per l'elite mondiale degli sport invernali.❄

L'Alpin Arena Senales è raggiungibile in auto o comodamente con l'autobus pubblico.🚗
Allora, cosa state aspettando? Indossate i vostri indumenti caldi e partite!💙

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