The Krampus Run:

Alpine Nightmare?

With villages throughout South Tyrol bracing themselves for the annual Krampus invasion, it feels like a set of a horror movie. Interestingly, this age-old custom is currently seeing a revival in popularity.

Before sweeping into the villages, the tension on the streets on the night of 5th December is palpable, any little sound rattling the nerves. This event is also commemorated in Naturns/Naturno, when hordes of terrifying ‘devils’ descend on the village. With cattle horns mounted on their heads, their faces covered in grimacing animal masks, the shaggy-cloaked Krampus menacingly rattle chains and clang cowbells as they sweep through the streets chasing terrified youngsters. Those unfortunate enough to find themselves on the streets at that time flee home along the backstreets. Only the Tuifeltratzer (or ‘devil-baiters’ – brazen young males) dare to confront the Krampus. The taunting goes on for a while, and the outcome depends on whether the youthful challenger is able to outrun the “devil”. Most often it ends with a sooty face and a few bruises here and there.

Drawn from old Alpine folklore, the Krampus are demonic figures that precede the arrival of St. Nicholas during the Advent season. While St. Nicholas rewards good children, the Krampus (also known as Tuifl), are there to punish those that misbehave. Although this old tradition has acquired religious overtones, the old custom probably originated in pre-Christian times, representing the purging of the harsh Alpine winters.
The Krampus punishes misbehaving children.
While not as widespread, the Krampus tradition has been gaining in popularity, and is now more popular than ever in the Alpine regions. Following the re-formation in 2006, the Krampus Association in Naturns currently numbers 70 members. But even joining the club comes at a significant cost, with costumes that can cost up to € 2000.

Krampus are usually men dressed up in shaggy outfits, their faces covered by scary masks. While it used to be the preserve of single males, nowadays women may also be a Krampus. During the world wars of the 20th Century, when most of the menfolk were away, women not only kept the farms going, but also donned the Krampus costumes – without any fuss being made!
Being a Krampus is expensive: the price of a costume with fur and mask can amount to several thousand euros.
Even though Krampus night might sometimes still get a little out of hand, Krampus devils nowadays are more constrained in what they can get up to. While the old Krampus runs were a bit of a free for all, and one didn’t quite know who had just doled out a beating, the event has been toned down considerably. Supported by local municipal authorities, this old custom has evolved into a folk spectacle, and is subject to strict rules. The anonymity of the Krampus is also something of the past. Nowadays, each ‘devil’ has to wear an ID number, allowing traceability in the event of malpractice.

Watching the event unfold from a safe distance, those erstwhile scary nights seem just a distant childhood memory, when the unbridled Krampus rampaged through Naturns. With groups of young boys confronting the Krampus before fleeing, this one-time scary event can be experienced as a bonding rite of passage.
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🏃‍♂️ Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun Naturns – 05. April 2025 🏃‍♀️

Bist du bereit für das ultimative Trailrun-Abenteuer? 🌟 Nächste Woche ist es endlich soweit, der Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun wartet auf dich! Tauche ein in die atemberaubende Bergwelt und erlebe unvergessliche Momente – mit spektakulären Ausblicken, herausfordernden Trails und jeder Menge Action! 🔥

🗓️ Wann? 05. April 2025

Was dich erwartet:
✨ Vielfältige Strecken für alle Schwierigkeitsgrade
✨ Natur pur: Wunderschöne Panoramen und spannende Herausforderungen
✨ Eine top organisierte Veranstaltung mit jeder Menge Spaß und guter Stimmung!

Sei dabei!❤🔥


🏃‍♂️ Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun Naturno – 05 aprile 2025 🏃‍♀️

Sei pronto per l'ultima avventura di Trailrun? 🌟 La prossima settimana è finalmente il grande giorno, l'Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun ti aspetta! Immergiti nel paesaggio montano mozzafiato e vivi momenti indimenticabili – con panorami spettacolari, sentieri impegnativi e tanta adrenalina! 🔥

🗓️ Quando? 05 aprile 2025

Cosa ti aspetta:
✨ Percorsi vari per tutti i livelli di difficoltà
✨ Natura pura: panorami stupendi e sfide emozionanti
✨ Un evento ben organizzato con tanto divertimento e una grande atmosfera!

Partecipa anche tu! ❤🔥

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 3 days ago

Are you as excited as we are for the colorful blooms of spring in Naturns?🌸
🌿 Nature is slowly waking up from its winter sleep, transforming into a sea of colors.
It’s the perfect time to be outdoors and enjoy the first spring days in Naturns!🌞💚

📸: Vinschgau Marketing_Patrick Schwienbacher

#naturns #naturno #spring #springvibes #springflowers #sunnyweather #outdoor #southtyrol #südtirol #frühling #frühlingserwachsen #frühlingsblumen #blüte #traumwetter #aussichtgenießen #altoadige #primavera🌸 #primavera25 #fioridiprimavera #sole #altoadigedavivere #altoadigedavedere

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 5 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

Wie wärs mit einem Frühlingsspaziergang mit der ganzen Familie👨‍👩‍👦 durch Naturns?🌷Die frische Luft, die ersten Blüten und das Erwachen der Natur machen jeden Schritt zu einem kleinen Abenteuer.🥰

💛Euch erwartet:
- jede Menge Sonne ☀
- ein Blütenmeer 🌸
- Outdoor-Aktivitäten 🚴‍♀️🏔
- Frühlings-Highlights (Bergfrühling, Frühlingsfest & Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun)

und vieles mehr!🤩

📸: Tourismusgenossenschaft Naturns_Thomas Grüner


Che ne dite di una passeggiata primaverile con tutta la famiglia 👨‍👩‍👦 a Naturno? 🌷 L'aria fresca, i primi fiori e il risveglio della natura rendono ogni passo una piccola avventura. 🥰

💛 Vi aspetta:
- tanto sole ☀
- un mare di fiori 🌸
- attività all'aria aperta 🚴‍♀️🏔
- Highlights di Primavera (Primavera in Montagna, la Festa di Primavera & l'Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun)

e tanto altro! 🤩

📸: Tourismusgenossenschaft Naturns_Thomas Grüner

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 6 days ago

Spring is slowly arriving, and so are the crocuses! 🌸✨ As the days get longer and the sun shines brighter, nature awakens with a burst of color. These little flowers are a beautiful reminder that after every winter, there’s a season of new beginnings and fresh possibilities.🥰

📸: Vinschgau Marketing_Patrick Schwienbacher

#naturns #naturno #spring #springvibes #crocuses #newbeginnings✨ #mountains #southtyrol #südtirol #frühlingsblumen #frühlingsanfang #frühlingserwachen #frühlingszeit #krokusse #berge #altoadige #primavera🌸 #montagne #fiori #altoadigedascoprire #altoadigedavivere

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 7 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🎉 Notiert euch den 30. März im Kalender!🎉
Erlebt den Naturnser Bergfrühling am Meraner Höhenweg 🏞️.
Gemeinsam mit den Berggasthöfen und Hofschänken eröffnen wir die Bergsaison am Naturnser Sonnenberg. ☀️
Taucht ein in das Leben der Bergbauern 🌾, ihre Traditionen und ihren Alltag.
Lasst euch das traditionelle Südtiroler Essen der Sonnenberger Berggasthöfe und Hofschänke nicht entgehen 🍽️.

Wir freuen uns auf euch!❤️


🎉 Segnatevi il 30 marzo sul calendario! 🎉
Vivi la primavera in montagna a Naturno sull'Alta Via di Merano🏞️.
Insieme alle osterie e taverne agricole, apriamo la stagione in montagna sul monte sole di Naturno.☀️
Immergiti nella vita degli agricoltori di montagna 🌾, nelle loro tradizioni e nella loro quotidianità.
Non perdere la cucina tradizionale altoatesina delle osterie e taverne agricole del monte sole di Naturno. 🍽️

Vi aspettiamo con entusiasmo! ❤️

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