Events in Naturno
Discover all events of Naturno & Plaus
Events in Naturno

Events in Naturno

Naturno and its surrounding villages of Plaus, Tschirland, Tabland and Staben are not only scenically charming, but also offer a varied programme of events. Whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter - there is always something going on here.

In spring, for example, the Spring Festival and the Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun attract numerous visitors. In early summer, the Speck Day and "Naturnser Almen Unplugged" provide musical and culinary highlights.

In autumn, the focus is on Törggelen - a South Tyrolean tradition where you fortify yourself with hearty food and new wine after a hike through the vineyards. The Törggelefest and the Naturnser Gourmet Herbst are also popular events in the golden season.

As you can see, there are exciting events to discover in Naturno and the surrounding area at any time of year. So if you are spending your holiday here, you should definitely take a look at the calendar of events and don't miss out on the highlights.
Here you can find all the events:
Naturns lacht! 25th international summer of humor
Saturday 03 Aug
Naturns lacht! 25th international summer of humor
25 years of "Naturno laughs!" and 19 years for children! Celebrate 25 years of Naturno laughs with us! Comedians, stand-up comedians, clowns, musicians and magicians will immerse Naturno's outdoor ...
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Church day of Cirlano
Sunday 04 Aug
10:00 - 23:59
Church day of Cirlano
10 a.m. Fair in St. Oswald Church in Cirlano - followed by the church festival of the volunteer fire department of Cirlano.
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Beat on the street
Wednesday 07 Aug
20:00 - 23:00
+ more dates
Beat on the street
Live music evenings in the open air: this year, the popular concert series will once again take place on the Piazza Burggräfler in Naturno.
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Daksy Actionday - On the road with the nature park rangers/Naturno
Friday 09 Aug
10:00 - 15:00
Daksy Actionday - On the road with the nature park rangers/Naturno
Nature Detectives in the Forest – Be a “nature park ranger” yourself, get to know the duties of the ranger and discover the diversity of nature. Every Friday in summer our trained nature park experts ...
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Val Venosta wine market
Sunday 11 Aug
11:00 - 18:00
Val Venosta wine market
Wines from the wineries of the Val Venosta from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Naturno's town hall square. Tasting & sale of wines, fine brandies, fruit juices, jams as well as fine snacks & sale of cheese, ...
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«12345» 37 items on 5 pages, displayed items 49-37
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naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago

𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴…💛
☀ᴡᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏꜱᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ☀

#naturns #naturno #mountains #mountainview #summer #mountainpeak #hiking #southtyrol #wandern #bergliebe #aussichtgenießen #gemeinsamezeit #sommerzeit #südtirol #südtirolaltoadige #montagne #altoadigedavivere #altoadigedascoprire #altoadige

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪🌸Die Gärten von Schloss Trautmannsdorff🌸

Besucht die zauberhaften Gärten von Schloss Trautmannsdorf in Meran!🌹
Über 80 Gartenlandschaften aus aller Welt erwarten euch hier.😍Ein Highlight ist sicherlich das Touriseum im Schloss. Es ist das erste Museum des Alpenraums, das sich ausschließlich der Geschichte des Tourismus widmet.✨

⏱Öffnungszeiten (März bis Oktober): 09.00-19.00 Uhr (letzter Einlass: 17.30 Uhr)


🇮🇹🌸I Giardini di Castel Trauttmannsdorff🌸

Visitate giardini di Castel Trautmannsdorf a Merano!🌹
Oltre 80 paesaggi di giardini provenienti da tutto il mondo vi aspettano qui.😍
Un punto di forza è sicuramente il Touriseum nel castello. Si tratta del primo museo dell'arco alpino dedicato esclusivamente alla storia del turismo.✨

⏱Orario di apertura (da marzo a ottobre): 09.00-19.00 (ultimo ingresso: 17.30)

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Am 29. Juni 2024 ist es endlich soweit!🥳


🇮🇹: Il 29 giugno è finalmente arrivato il momento!🥳

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago

✨The Magic of the Sauna ✨

Saunas are perfect not only for relaxing your body and clearing your mind but also for boosting your immune system and improving circulation. 🌸💧Leave the stress behind, take a deep breath, and enjoy the beneficial effects of the sauna.🔥
Your body and soul will thank you! 🙌

⏱opening hours sauna: 𝕎𝔼𝔻ℕ𝔼𝕊𝔻𝔸𝕐 𝕀 𝔽ℝ𝕀𝔻𝔸𝕐 𝕀 𝕊𝕌ℕ𝔻𝔸𝕐 𝟙𝟞:𝟘𝟘 - 𝟚𝟙:𝟘𝟘

#naturns #naturno #sauna #relax #enjoy #southtyrol #entspannen #genießen #südtirol #spa #altoadige

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wisst ihr dass am morgigen Mittwoch der 18. nationale Riesling-Wettbewerb🍷 bei uns in Naturns abgehalten wird?😍 Eine Fachjury verkostet und prämiert den besten Riesling Italiens. Seid gespannt auf das Ergebnis!🤩 Die Prämierung findet am Samstag 10. August nachmittags auf dem Rathausplatz in Naturns statt.🥳
Also: Termin vormerken!✅


🇮🇹: Sapevate che domani, mercoledì, si terrà qui a Naturno il 18° concorso nazionale del Riesling (renano)🍷 Una giuria di esperti assaggerà e premierà i migliori Riesling d'Italia.😍 Attendete con ansia il risultato!🤩 La cerimonia di premiazione si terrà sabato 10 agosto nel pomeriggio nella piazza del municipio di Naturno.🥳
Quindi: segnatevi la data!✅

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago


On Sunday, June 09, the time has finally come again.😍Every year, on the 2nd Sunday after Corpus Christi, mountain fires are lit throughout South Tyrol to celebrate the deep bond with the homeland.✨

Don't miss this unique experience!❤️

#naturns #naturno #tradition #homeland #sacredheartfire #mountains #whataview #southtyrol #herzjesufeuer #tradition #bergfeuer #wasfüreineaussicht #südtirol #südtirolaltoadige #tradizione #fuochi #altoadigedavivere #altoadigedascoprire

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