Events for every taste


Events for every taste

Merano/Meran is a lively city and offers a variety of internationally renowned events. In this section you will find short descriptions of the most important special events throughout the year. Further information can also be found in flyers, brochures and printed materials, which are available at the Tourist Office Merano (Corso della Libertà/Freiheitsstraße 45).
Meran beWegt: Early Bird - a movement session for body and soul
Saturday 27 Jul
Meran - Merano
07:30 - 09:00
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Meran beWegt: Early Bird - a movement session for body and soul
As the day opens its eyes and the city shakes off sleep, it is time for Early Bird. The tranquillity of the moment stimulates awareness. In an informal atmosphere and in the company of those who know ...
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Flea market Merano Wandelhalle / Winter promenade
Saturday 27 Jul
08:00 - 16:00
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Flea market Merano Wandelhalle / Winter promenade
This flea market takes place every last Saturday a month at the Passeggiata d'Inverno/Winter Promenade. Here you will find various things, from clothes to objects of all kinds. For more informations ...
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Farmers' Market in Merano
Saturday 27 Jul
Meran / Merano
08:00 - 12:00
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Farmers' Market in Merano
South Tyrolean farmers sell their fresh saisonal vegetables and fruits as well as their regional products.
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MM - The Merano Market
Saturday 27 Jul
Meran / Merano
09:00 - 13:00
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MM - The Merano Market
The ideal spot for a sustanaible shopping experience that is local by nature or a voyage of discovery in search of South Tyrolean flavors and traditional expertise. The market stalls were designed by ...
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Hildegard, die Visionärin - Ildegarda, la visionaria
Saturday 27 Jul
10:00 - 12:30
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Hildegard, die Visionärin - Ildegarda, la visionaria
In the writings and visions of Hildegard of Bingen, Bonn artist Marianne Pitzen discovered that Hildegard saw a female image of God in the figure of wisdom, Sophia. On display are three-dimensional ...
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Gender Equality Ride
Saturday 27 Jul
19:00 - 20:30
Gender Equality Ride
The 'Cicliste per caso' duo is cycling in the Gender Equality Ride from Bolzano to Oslo for women's self-determination. On 27 July the two will be welcomed at the Merano Women's Museum.
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Horse races at the Merano Racecourse
Sunday 28 Jul
16:00 - 19:00
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Horse races at the Merano Racecourse
Horse races on one of Europe's most beautiful obstacle racetracks. For information on the start of each race, please consult the Merano Galoppo websites, as these always vary.
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Monday 29 Jul
09:00 - 15:00
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Merano 2000 Funivie Spa and the Tourist Association of Avelengo-Verano-Merano 2000 are constantly striving for a clean mountain and for this reason the project 'SpazzaTour' was born - a week at ...
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