Mountain spring in Hafling and Vöran
Imposing peaks, powerful landscapes, a sunny high plateau: why spring is so beautiful in the mountains around Meran/Merano.
Mountain spring in Hafling and Vöran

Mountain spring in Hafling and Vöran

Imposing peaks, powerful landscapes, a sunny high plateau: why spring is so beautiful in the mountains around Meran/Merano.

When the magnolias and almond trees are in bloom and the steel-blue sky stands out against the bright white mountain peaks, it's spring in and around Meran. The awakening of the mountain spring on the high plateau of Hafling and Vöran can then be seen in the fresh, delicate green that stretches across the gentle crests of the mountain ridge.
It is the melody of nature that sounds different up here and lures people outside. It is brighter and lighter. Perhaps also a little more carefree and purer. High above Merano, spring builds a bridge between two worlds. This is the place where spring lingers when the warm breath of early summer is already arriving in the valley.
While a dance of southern magic is already taking place there, here on the high plateau spring promises to stay a little longer. In the higher areas, which were just covered in snow, the first crocuses are reaching towards the light. It won't be long before carpets of delicate purple and white flowers cover the alpine meadows as far as the eye can see.
When Summer may have already arrived in the valley, here, in the quiet heights, the world still breathes spring deeply and fully and with all its colours.
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