The meditation path, conceived by Oswald Kröss, encourages conscious walking, silence, reflection and prayer.
The eight stations designed by Oswald Kröss will accompany you and will touch important values of your life.
Start of the walk is at the parking place above the restaurants "Grüner Baum" and "Das Stübele"in Vöran/Verano. At first the trail runs to the end of the artisan zone (Handwerkerzone), from there follow trail no. 1 to the Restaurant Rohrer and on to the church St. Anna in Aschl/Eschio. Return on the same way.
Coming from both directions of the freeway Meran/Merano - Bolzano/Bozen (MEBO), take the exit of Meran Süd/Merano Sud and follow directions towards Meran first, to then turn right towards Hafling/Avelengo, follow the street to Vöran/Verano –Le Noir Forest Parking is located in Vöran
Le Noir Forest Parking in Vöran/Verano, on charge
With the bus until the bus stop "Sportplatz Vöran":
You'll find the time table on the site: