Above Merano: Hafling's most beautiful viewpoints

Did you know that there are several viewpoints in Hafling? Your guide takes you to the most spectacular viewpoints. Along the way, she explains the mountain peaks and villages in the surrounding area. Don't miss a short detour to the picturesque Sulfner Weiher, the small lake above St. Kathrein.

Route: Information office - St. Kathrein - "Hochsulfen" - "Kanzele" - Sulfner Weiher lake - Information office

↑ 120 m | 4 km

Start: 2.00 p.m.at the Information office, Hafling
Return: approx. 4.00 p.m.
Price: 10,00 € per person
Participants: min. 4 people - limited number
Coming from both directions of the freeway Meran/Merano - Bolzano/Bozen (MEBO), take the exit of Meran Süd/Merano Sud and follow directions towards Meran first, to then turn right towards Hafling/Avelengo. Shortly before Hafling Dorf/Avelengo Paese turn left towards to the Information office.
To bring along
Good physical condition, good shoes, gloves, warm clothing, hiking poles, warm drink, rucksack
The ticket can be cancelled until 12 noon the day before. After this deadline, the full amount will be retained.
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