Energy balls

Especially on long hikes, a quick energy supply is often enormously important. Our homemade energy balls are delicious and provide a natural and sustainable energy boost.

  • 100 g oat flakes (coarse)
  • 5 dried dates
  • 3 dried figs
  • 3 dried apricots
  • 30 g ground cashews
  • 100 g peanut butter or almond paste
  • 2 tbsp dried berries to taste (e.g. cranberries)
  • 1 sp honey or maple syrup to taste
  • 30 g grated coconut
  • Another approx. 100 g grated coconut for rolling
Cut the dried fruits into small pieces and mix them with the remaining ingredients. Dilute with a little water if necessary. Leave to stand in the fridge for approx. 30 minutes. The mixture should now be easy to shape. Form balls with moistened hands and then roll in coconut flakes. The energy balls will keep for a long time in the freezer. So you can pack them in your lunchbox in the morning before the tour and enjoy them as a power snack on your hike.