Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000

Your holiday in South Tyrol on the sunny high plateau with a panoramic view of Merano

The holiday and hiking region Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 is located on the so-called "Tschögglberg" in South Tyrol, an extensive high plateau between Bolzano and Merano. The sun-drenched villages of Hafling and Vöran, as well as the skiing and hiking area of Merano 2000, can be reached in a few minutes from Merano. Endless alpine meadows, larch forests and soothing wideness define the nature around Hafling-Vöran-Merano 2000.
The best choice for your holiday in Meranerland: As a hiking and leisure paradise in the immediate surroundigs of Merano, the village of Hafling (1,250 m above sea level) is a popular holiday and excursion destination for families, hikers, connoisseurs and horse fans. The Haflinger horses have meanwhile become - starting from Hafling - popular leisure horses worldwide. A holiday in Hafling means an active holiday and enjoyment amidst the breathtaking mountain scenery of South Tyrol.
The village of Vöran (1,200 m above sea level) is nestled between forests, wide pastures and striking rock formations and is also an ideal starting point for your holiday in South Tyrol. Sunny and situated high above Merano, the mild climate invites you to take walks and hikes all year round. Nature, culture, rural traditions and special highlights such as the legendary Knottnkino make your holiday in Vöran unique.
The skiing and hiking area of Merano 2000

A real highlight for hikers and skiers is Merano's "sporty" sun terrace. Merano 2000, the skiing and hiking area at the foot of the Ifinger, Merano's local mountain, is known for its large number of activities such as hiking, climbing or paragliding. Connoisseurs will find beautiful mountain inns with sunny terraces. In winter, Merano 2000 is a top skiing area for families, offering around 40 kilometres of slopes, super childcare facilities and child-friendly skiing.
Holiday region Avelengo–Verano–Merano 2000
Hotels and accomodations in Hafling, Vöran and Merano 2000

Hotels with spa resorts, family-run guesthouses, well-kept holiday flats, farm holidays with or without riding holidays: in Hafling, Vöran and Merano 2000 you will find accommodations that meet your preferences for your holidays in South Tyrol.
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#visithafling #visitvoeran
visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 5 days ago

🫐 Spätsommer und Herbst sind die Zeit für Beerensammler:innen. Wacholderbeeren sind ein altes Heil- und Würzmittel. Sie werden zur Herstellung von Schnaps und Gin verwendet und kommen getrocknet in der Küche als Würzmittel für Sauerkraut, Rot- und Weißkohl sowie für Fisch-, Fleisch- und Wildgerichte zum Einsatz. Auch für Soßen, Marinaden und zum Aromatisieren beim Räuchern sind sie gut geeignet. Welche Beeren habt ihr bei euren Wanderungen entdeckt?⁠


🫐 La tarda estate e l'autunno sono il momento della raccolta delle bacche. Le bacche di ginepro sono un antico rimedio e condimento. Vengono utilizzate per la produzione di grappa e gin e nello stato essiccato in cucina come condimento per crauti, cavoli rossi e bianchi, nonché per piatti a base di pesce, carne e selvaggina. Sono anche adatte per salse, marinate e per aromatizzare prodotti affumicati. Quali bacche avete scoperto durante le vostre escursioni?⁠


🫐 Late summer and autumn are the time for berry pickers. Juniper berries are an old remedy and seasoning. They are used to make schnapps and gin and are used dried in the kitchen as a seasoning for sauerkraut, red and white cabbage as well as for fish and meat dishes. They are also suitable for sauces, marinades and for flavouring when smoking. Which berries have you discovered on your hikes?

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 15 days ago

Herbstwanderung zum Rotsteinknott 🍁🍂 Der Rotsteinknott ist ein perfektes Ausflugsziel für die ganze Familie mit Ausblicken, Herbstzauber und einem Hauch Abenteuer in der klaren Bergluft von Vöran. 🌲🏞️ ⁠
Start: LeNoir Forest Parking in Vöran⁠
Länge: 9 km⁠
Dauer: ca. 2 Std. 40 min.⁠
Höhenunterschied: 326 hm⁠
Höchster Punkt: 1.513 m⁠
Wegverlauf: Vom LeNoir Forest Parking in Vöran dem Weg Nr. 16 folgen bis zur Leadner Alm. Von dort ca. 3 km dem Weg Nr. 11 folgen, das letzte Stück verläuft auf dem Weg Nr. 14 auf den Rotsteinknott. Auf dem Schützenbründlweg (Nr. 14) zurück zum Parkplatz.⁠


Escursione autunnale al Rotsteinknott 🍁🍂 Il Rotsteinknott è una meta escursionistica perfetta per tutta la famiglia con panorami, magia autunnale e un tocco di avventura nella limpida aria di montagna di Vöran. 🌲🏞️ ⁠
Punto di partenza: LeNoir Forest Parking a Verano⁠
Lunghezza: 9 km⁠
Durata: circa 2 ore e 40 minuti⁠
Dislivello: 326 metri⁠
Punto più alto: 1.513 m⁠
Percorso: dal LeNoir Forest parking a Verano, seguire il sentiero n. 16 fino alla malga Leadner. Da lì, seguire il sentiero n. 11 per circa 3 km, l'ultimo tratto proseguite sul sentiero n. 14 fino al Rotsteinknott. Si torna al parcheggio seguendo il sentiero Schützenbründlweg (n. 14).⁠


Autumn hike to the Rotsteinknott 🍁🍂 The Rotsteinknott is a perfect excursion destination for the whole family with views, autumn magic and a touch of adventure in the clear mountain air of Vöran. 🌲🏞️ ⁠
Start: LeNoir Forest car park in Vöran⁠
Length: 9 km⁠
Duration: approx. 2 hrs. 40 min.⁠
Difference in altitude: 326 metres⁠
Highest point: 1,513 m⁠
Route: From the LeNoir Forest car par in Vöran, follow trail no. 16 to the Leadner Alm mountain hut. From there, follow trail no. 11 for approx. 3 km, the last section is on trail no. 14 to the Rotsteinknott. Take the Schützenbründlweg trail (no. 14) back to the car park.⁠


📸 Benjamin Pfitscher⁠

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 18 days ago

Late summer vibes 🌻

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 2 months ago

Hallo September! 🍃⁠
Der Almsommer neigt sich dem Ende zu. Pferde, Kühe und Schafe genießen jetzt die letzten Gräser auf den Hochweiden. Bald schon werden die Tiere zurück in die Dörfer gebracht, wo sie die Herbstwochen auf den dortigen Weiden verbringen. ⁠


Ciao settembre! 🍃⁠
L'estate alpina sta volgendo al termine. Cavalli, mucche e pecore si stanno godendo le ultime erbe sui pascoli in quota. Presto gli animali saranno riportati nei villaggi, dove trascorreranno le settimane autunnali sui pascoli intorno ai masi. ⁠


Hello September! 🍃⁠
The alpine summer is coming to an end. Horses, cows and sheep are now enjoying the last grasses on the high pastures. Soon the animals will be brought back to the villages, where they will spend the autumn weeks on the farm pastures.

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 2 months ago

Es muss nicht immer die große Bergtour sein. Ein Waldspaziergang kann genauso wohltuend und Balsam für die Seele sein. Kommt mit auf diese kleine und aussichtsreiche Rundwanderung. 🌲💚⁠


C'è chi ama le grandi scalate in montagna. Siamo sicuri che una passeggiata nel bosco è altrettanto rilassante e balsamo per l'anima. Accompagnaci su questo giro con una splendida vista. 🌲💚⁠


It doesn't always have to be a big mountain hike. A walk in the forest can be just as soothing and balm for the soul. Join us on this short circular hike with great views. 🌲💚

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