Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000

Your holiday in South Tyrol on the sunny high plateau with a panoramic view of Merano

The holiday and hiking region Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000 is located on the so-called "Tschögglberg" in South Tyrol, an extensive high plateau between Bolzano and Merano. The sun-drenched villages of Hafling and Vöran, as well as the skiing and hiking area of Merano 2000, can be reached in a few minutes from Merano. Endless alpine meadows, larch forests and soothing wideness define the nature around Hafling-Vöran-Merano 2000.
The best choice for your holiday in Meranerland: As a hiking and leisure paradise in the immediate surroundigs of Merano, the village of Hafling (1,250 m above sea level) is a popular holiday and excursion destination for families, hikers, connoisseurs and horse fans. The Haflinger horses have meanwhile become - starting from Hafling - popular leisure horses worldwide. A holiday in Hafling means an active holiday and enjoyment amidst the breathtaking mountain scenery of South Tyrol.
The village of Vöran (1,200 m above sea level) is nestled between forests, wide pastures and striking rock formations and is also an ideal starting point for your holiday in South Tyrol. Sunny and situated high above Merano, the mild climate invites you to take walks and hikes all year round. Nature, culture, rural traditions and special highlights such as the legendary Knottnkino make your holiday in Vöran unique.
The skiing and hiking area of Merano 2000

A real highlight for hikers and skiers is Merano's "sporty" sun terrace. Merano 2000, the skiing and hiking area at the foot of the Ifinger, Merano's local mountain, is known for its large number of activities such as hiking, climbing or paragliding. Connoisseurs will find beautiful mountain inns with sunny terraces. In winter, Merano 2000 is a top skiing area for families, offering around 40 kilometres of slopes, super childcare facilities and child-friendly skiing.
Holiday region Avelengo–Verano–Merano 2000
Hotels and accomodations in Hafling, Vöran and Merano 2000

Hotels with spa resorts, family-run guesthouses, well-kept holiday flats, farm holidays with or without riding holidays: in Hafling, Vöran and Merano 2000 you will find accommodations that meet your preferences for your holidays in South Tyrol.
Book your holiday in Hafling, Vöran & Meran 2000
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visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 3 days ago

Slow down ❤️⁠

Wer träumt davon, den Stress hinter sich zu lassen und die Natur in ihrem eigenen Tempo genießen? Ob gemächliche Wanderungen oder ein gemütlicher Ausritt auf einem Haflinger Pferd – hier ist der perfekte Ort zum Abschalten und die Seele baumeln zu lassen. 🐴✨⁠


Chi sogna di lasciarsi alle spalle lo stress e di godersi la natura al proprio ritmo? Che si tratti di una piacevole escursione in montagna o di una tranquilla cavalcata su un cavallo Haflinger, questo è il luogo perfetto per staccare la spina e rilassarsi. 🐴✨⁠


Who dreams of leaving stress behind and enjoying nature at their own pace? Whether it's a leisurely hike or a leisurely ride on a Haflinger horse - this is the perfect place to switch off and unwind. 🐴✨⁠


📸 Benjamin Pfitscher⁠

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 11 days ago

💧Das kostbare Nass unserer Berge ist allerbestes Trinkwasser. 💙 Wo es genau herkommt und welchen Weg es zurücklegt, bis es bei uns aus dem Wasserhahn kommt, könnt ihr in unserem aktuellen Blog nachlesen. Link in Bio⁠


💧 La preziosa acqua delle nostre montagne è acqua potabile di prima qualità. 💙 Leggete il nostro ultimo blog per scoprire da dove proviene e il viaggio che compie prima di uscire dai nostri rubinetti. Link in bio⁠


💧The precious water in our mountains is the very best drinking water. 💙 Read our latest blog to find out exactly where it comes from and the journey it takes before it comes out of our taps. Link in bio.⁠

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 24 days ago

Die Farbe der Saison ist pink und wir lieben sie! 💗🌸⁠


Il colore della stagione è il rosa e noi lo adoriamo! 💗🌸⁠


The colour of the season is pink and we love it! 💗🌸

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 25 days ago

🌞✨ "Sommerfrische" – Ein Hauch von Nostalgie? 🌿🏞️⁠
Sommerfrische war einst der Inbegriff von erholsamen Tagen in der Natur, fernab von der städtischen Hektik. Es bedeutete, dem Sommer für mehrere Wochen oder sogar Monate zu entfliehen, um in den Bergen die Seele baumeln zu lassen und neue Energie zu tanken. Inwiefern das Konzept heute noch von Bedeutung ist, könnt ihr in unserem aktuellen Blog nachlesen. Link in Bio.⁠

Verwendet jemand von euch noch diesen Begriff? 🌸⁠


🌞✨ "Villeggiatura": un tocco di nostalgia? 🌿🏞️⁠
Un tempo la villeggiatura estiva era l'emblema dei giorni di relax nella natura, lontano dalla frenesia della città. Significava fuggire dal caldo d'estate per alcune settimane o pure mesi, per rilassarsi in montagna e ricaricare le batterie. Per capire fino a che punto questo concetto è ancora attuale, leggete il nostro ultimo blog. Link in bio.⁠

Qualcuno di voi usa ancora questo termine? 🌸⁠


🌞✨ "Summer retreat" - a touch of nostalgia? 🌿🏞️⁠
Summer retreats were once the epitome of relaxing days in nature, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It meant escaping the city for several weeks or months to unwind in the mountains and recharge your batteries. You can read in our latest blog why or whether this concept is still relevant today. Link in bio.

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 27 days ago

Aktivtipp: Drei Almen-Rundwanderung⁠
Diese leichte Rundtour wartet mit den besten aller besten Wander-Highlights auf euch: Aussichtspunkte und Einkehrmöglichkeiten. Was will man mehr? 😁 ⁠

📍Start in Hafling Dorf⁠
➡️Gesamtstrecke: 6,7 km⁠
⏳️ Gehzeit: ca. 4 Stunden⁠
↗️ Anstieg: ca. 620 Höhenmeter⁠
🏡 Einkehrmöglichkeiten: Leadner Alm, Vöraner Alm, Wurzer Alm⁠
Genaue Tourenbeschreibung: Link in Bio⁠


Escursione consigliata: Escursione delle tre malghe⁠
Questo facile tour circolare vi aspetta con il meglio del meglio delle escursioni: Punti panoramici e soste di ristoro. Cosa si può desiderare di più? 😁 ⁠

📍 Partenza a Avelengo paese⁠
➡️ Lunghezza: 6,7 km⁠
⏳️ Tempo di percorrenza: circa 4 ore⁠
️ ↗️ Dislivello in salita: circa 620 metri di altitudine⁠
🏡 Punti di ristoro: malghe Leadner Alm, Vöraner Alm, Wurzer Alm⁠
Descrizione dettagliata dell'itinerario: link in bio⁠


Activity tip: Three-Mountain-Huts circular hike⁠
This easy circular hike awaits you with the best of the best hiking highlights: Viewpoints and refreshment stops. What more could you want? 😁 ⁠

📍Start in Hafling Dorf⁠
➡️ Length: 6.7 km⁠
⏳️ Walking time: approx. 4 hours⁠
️ ↗️ Ascent: approx. 620 metres in altitude⁠
🏡 Refreshment stops: Leadner, Vöraner, Wurzer mountain huts⁠
Detailed tour description: link in bio

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