The village Hafling

The best choice for your holiday in Meranerland: As a hiking and leisure paradise in the immediate surroundigs of Merano, the village of Hafling (1,250 m above sea level) is a popular holiday and excursion destination for families, hikers, connoisseurs and horse fans. The Haflinger horses have meanwhile become - starting from Hafling - popular leisure horses worldwide. A holiday in Hafling means an active holiday and enjoyment amidst the breathtaking mountain scenery of South Tyrol.
The village Vöran

The village of Vöran (1,200 m above sea level) is nestled between forests, wide pastures and striking rock formations and is also an ideal starting point for your holiday in South Tyrol. Sunny and situated high above the Etschtal valley in Meranerland, the mild climate invites you to take walks and hikes all year round. Nature, culture, rural traditions and special highlights such as the legendary Knottnkino make your holiday in Vöran unique.
The skiing and hiking area of Merano 2000

A real highlight for hikers and skiers is Merano's "sporty" sun terrace. Merano 2000, the skiing and hiking area at the foot of the Ifinger, Merano's local mountain, is known for its large number of activities such as hiking, climbing or paragliding. Connoisseurs will find beautiful mountain inns with sunny terraces. In winter, Merano 2000 is a top skiing area for families, offering around 40 kilometres of slopes, super childcare facilities and child-friendly skiing.
Holiday region Avelengo–Verano–Merano 2000
Hotels and accomodations in Hafling, Vöran and Merano 2000

Hotels with spa resorts, family-run guesthouses, well-kept holiday flats, farm holidays with or without riding holidays: in Hafling, Vöran and Merano 2000 you will find accommodations that meet your preferences for your holidays in South Tyrol.
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visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 10 days ago

🌿 Wir gestalten Zukunft – für Gäste & Einheimische! 🌿⁠
Der Tschögglberg mit den Tourismusvereinen Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000, Mölten und Jenesien ist jetzt offiziell eine zertifiziert nachhaltige Destination. Gemeinsam setzen wir ein Zeichen für einen bewussten Umgang mit unserer einzigartigen Natur und Lebensqualität. Diese Zertifizierung ist erst der Anfang. Wir bleiben dran, damit der Tschögglberg auch in Zukunft ein wunderbares Reiseziel bleibt, sowie ein lebenswerter Ort für alle, die hier zuhause sind. 💚⁠

🌿 Insieme creiamo il futuro - per gli ospiti e gli abitanti del luogo! 🌿⁠
L’Altopiano del Salto e Associazioni Turistiche Avelengo-Verano-Merano 2000, Meltina e San Genesio, sono ora ufficialmente una destinazione sostenibile certificata. Insieme stiamo dando l'esempio di un approccio consapevole alla nostra natura unica e alla qualità della vita. Questa certificazione è solo l'inizio. Continueremo a lavorare per garantire che il nostro altopiano rimanga anche in futuro una meravigliosa destinazione turistica e un luogo in cui valga la pena vivere per tutti coloro che vi abitano. 💚⁠

We shape the future - for guests & locals! 🌿⁠
The Tschögglberg with the tourism associations Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000, Mölten and Jenesien is now officially a certified sustainable destination. Together we are setting an example for a conscious approach to our unique nature and quality of life. This certification is just the beginning. We will continue to work to ensure that the Tschögglberg remains a wonderful destination in the future, as well as a place worth living in for everyone who calls the Tschögglberg his/her home. 💚⁠


TV Jenesien/Michael Guggenberg⁠
TV Hafling-Vöran-Meran 2000/Benjamin Pfitscher

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 2 months ago

Winterwandern abseits der Pisten. 🥾❄️⁠
Meran 2000 hat nicht nur 40 km Pisten zu bieten, sondern auch stille Wanderwege, die buchstäblich um die Ecke liegen. Der Winter zeigt sich hier in diesen Tagen von einer seiner schönsten Seiten. ⁠


Escursioni invernali lontano dalle piste. 🥾❄️⁠
Oltre ai 40 km di piste perfettamente preparati, Merano 2000 offre anche tranquilli sentieri escursionistici che si trovano letteralmente dietro l'angolo. L'inverno si mostra qui da uno dei suoi lati più belli in questi giorni.⁠


Winter hiking away from the slopes. 🥾❄️⁠
In Meran 2000, besides of 40 kilometres of pistes, you can find quiet hiking trails iterally just around the corner. Winter shows itself from one of its most beautiful sides here these days.

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 2 months ago

Meran 2000 💙⁠
Die Sonne lässt sich hier in vollen Zügen genießen - und zwar von früh bis spät! Ob beim Skifahren, Wandern, Rodeln, Langlaufen, Schneeschuhwandern oder einfach bei einem Getränk auf einer der sonnigen Terrassen der Hütten und Almen.⁠


Merano 2000 💙⁠
Qui si può godere appieno del sole, dalla mattina alla sera! Sia che si tratti di sciare, fare escursioni, slittare, fare sci di fondo, ciaspolare o semplicemente godersi un drink su una delle terrazze soleggiate dei rifugi e delle malghe.⁠


Merano 2000 💙⁠
The sun can be enjoyed to the full here - from early to late! Whether skiing, hiking, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing or simply enjoying a drink on one of the sunny terraces of the huts.⁠


📸 Benjamin Pfitscher⁠

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 2 months ago

Nachtschicht von Frau Holle ❄️⁠


Dopo il lavoro notturno di Madama Holle ❄️⁠


After the nightshift of Mother Hulda ❄️

visit.hafling.voeran visit.hafling.voeran 3 months ago

✨️ Unser Tipp: gemächlichen Schrittes und komplett entschleunigt mit der Kutsche entlang der schönsten Panoramastrecke von Hafling. Während euch die frische Winterluft um die Nase weht, könnt ihr euch eingekuschelt in mollig warmen Decken eine Kutschenfahrt mit den berühmten Haflinger Pferde genießen. 🐴⁠


✨️ Il nostro consiglio: fate un piacevole giro in carrozza, completamente decelerato, lungo la più bella strada panoramica di Avelengo. Circondati da un panorama invernale, potete godervi - accoccolati in calde coperte - un giro in carrozza con i famosi cavalli Haflinger. 🐴⁠


✨️ Our tip: take a leisurely and completely decelerated carriage ride along the most beautiful panoramic route in Hafling. While the fresh winter air blows around your nose, you can enjoy a carriage ride with the famous Haflinger horses, snuggled up in cosy warm blankets. 🐴⁠


📸 Manuel Kottersteger⁠

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