Gezonde kwaliteitsproducten, rechtstreeks van de boer – verser kan niet


Gezonde kwaliteitsproducten, rechtstreeks van de boer – verser kan niet

Groente en fruit, kaas, kruidenthee en natuurlijke cosmetica – in Ultental kunt u bijna alles rechtstreeks van de producent krijgen. De vele kleine boerenwinkels (‘Hofläden’) in het Ultental bieden verse levensmiddelen en natuurlijke kwaliteitsproducten. Bij de verkoop op de boerderij krijgt u behalve natuurlijke producten ook een spannend inkijkje in het bergboerenleven van het Ultental. En aarzelt u vooral niet om een gesprekje met de boeren te beginnen over hun producten en hun dagelijkse werk. Ze zullen u graag hun verhalen vertellen.

Organic Winery Zollweghof
Production facilities, farm shops
Organic Winery Zollweghof
Organic white wines, rosé and red wines, rosé sparkling wine Wine tastings every Thursday at 16.00 with registration The products are offered at the farmers' ...
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Baschtele - Goat cheese and goat milk products
Production facilities, farm shops
Baschtele - Goat cheese and goat milk products
Every day, Edith processes the milk from her Saanen goats in the farm's cheese into cream cheese, soft cheese, semi-hard cheese or yoghurt.
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Gostner Oswald
Production facilities, farm shops
Gostner Oswald
Oswald has discovered woodturning for himself and transforms every piece of wood into a decorative element. The products are offered at the farmers' markets in ...
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Production facilities, farm shops
Bergauf in Pracupola/Kuppelwies is a small social cooperative in Val d'Ultimo/Ultental Valley, which has set itself the task of buying sheep wool from the ...
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Egger Schwienbacher Klara
Production facilities, farm shops
Egger Schwienbacher Klara
Sheep wool raw or dyed with natural products  -  knitting to order The products are offered at the farmers' markets in the Ulten Valley during the summer ...
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Zum Oberen Hof Farm shop
Production facilities, farm shops
Zum Oberen Hof Farm shop
The heritage-listed farm from the 12th century is located in Pracupola/Kuppelwies, at the beginning of the Höfeweg, in the middle of a farm group behind the ...
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Schwabl Annelies | Koflerhof
Production facilities, farm shops
Schwabl Annelies | Koflerhof
The Koflhof is located at 1,200 m. Medicinal and spice plants are grown according to organic guidelines and then processed into high-quality tea blends, herbal ...
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Riemerhof Farm shop
Production facilities, farm shops
Riemerhof Farm shop
The syrups and salts from the Riemerhof farm are carefully handmade. The renunciation of any dyes and flavor enhancers is the guarantee for a pure natural ...
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«123» 20 Einträge auf 3 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 1-8
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