Bergbeklimmen in het Ultental
Hochalpine tochten in Ultimo en nationale park Stilfserjoch
Bergbeklimmen in het Ultental

Bergbeklimmen in het Ultental

Hochalpine tochten in Ultimo en nationale park Stilfserjoch

De bergen van het Val d'Ultimo/Ultental zijn uitlopers van de Ortlergroep en populair voor bergtochten. Talrijke routes lopen over steile hellingen, langs bergmeren boven de boomgrens.

Bergbeklimmen aan het eind van het Ultental in het nationale park Stilfserjoch is een highlight voor geoefende wandelaars: bijvoorbeeld van de Weißbrunnsee naar de bergen Hintere Eggenspitze (3.443 m) of Zufrittspitze (3.439 m).
Alpine Tour to the Peilstein Mountain open
Alpine Tour to the Peilstein Mountain
The hike starts at the Gigglhirnhof farm above St. Walburg. Follow a forest road and a hiking trail in the direction of Marschnell Alm and Peilstein. ...
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Alpine Tour to the Nagelstein Mountain open
Alpine Tour to the Nagelstein Mountain
The hike starts at the Weissbrunnsee lake parking area (1885 m), following trail 101 along the Weissbrunnsee lake to the Fiecht Alm (2037 m), which ...
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Alpine Tour to the Kofelraster Seen Lakes - Muttegrub Peak open
Alpine Tour to the Kofelraster Seen Lakes - Muttegrub Peak
The hike starts at the Steinrast mountain restaurant. Initially, the path goes steeply uphill before becoming a bit flatter. You follow the hiking ...
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Alpine Tour to the Mountain Hoher Dieb open
Alpine Tour to the Mountain Hoher Dieb
The starting point for the hike is the Simian parking lot. Hiking trail number 4 takes you along a beautiful hiking path, passing the cozy ...
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Alpine Tour to the Hasenöhrl Mountain open
Alpine Tour to the Hasenöhrl Mountain
The Hasenöhrl (also called the Hasenohr) belongs to the Ortler range and is its most easterly 3,000 m peak. Still covered by a glacier on its eastern ...
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Alpine Tour to the Ilmenspitze open
Alpine Tour to the Ilmenspitze
The Ilmenspitze is one of the most prominent and most visited mountains in the southern ridge of the Ulten Valley. At the summit you are rewarded ...
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Alpine Tour to the Gleck Mountain open
Alpine Tour to the Gleck Mountain
The Gleckspitze in the Ultental Valley is the highest and westernmost mountain of the ridge between the Kirchberg Valley and Weißbrunn. Although it ...
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Alpine Tour to the Mountain Mandlspitz open
Alpine Tour to the Mountain Mandlspitz
The Mandlspitz rises northeast above Proveis and those who take on the sometimes very steep climb will be richly rewarded by a great mountain ...
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«12» 9 Einträge auf 2 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 1-8
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