Excursiebestemmingen voor gezinnen in en rond Schenna
Een vakantie voor het hele gezin in Zuid-Tirol
Excursiebestemmingen voor gezinnen in en rond Schenna

Excursiebestemmingen voor gezinnen in en rond Schenna

Een vakantie voor het hele gezin in Zuid-Tirol

De vakantieplaats Schenna/Scena boven de kuurstad Meran/Merano ligt midden in de Zuid-Tiroolse bergen - een echt vakantieparadijs voor wandelaars en actieve vakantiegangers, maar ook voor gezinnen. Want een vakantie in Schenna is niet alleen gezellig en ontspannend, maar ook afwisselend en boeiend.

Boven het dorp kun je de mooiste bergpaden en huttenroutes ontdekken rond de toppen van de Sarntaler Alpen, de Ifinger en de Hirzer. Op het nabijgelegen hoogplateau Meran 2000 wandel je over makkelijke panoramapaden. In een van de vele uitspanningen of de hutten van de belevenisberg Meran 2000 kun je jezelf vervolgens belonen met een "Marende" en een zelfgemaakt sapje, bijvoorbeeld op de Mahd Alm in het Hirzergebied en de Taser Alm op de Schennaberg. Op Meran 2000 bevindt zich ook de rodelbaan op rails Alpin Bob, waarmee je het hele jaar door op een traject van 1,1 km naar het dal kunt suizen. Een wandeling over het avonturenpad Vorbichl in Prissian/Prissiano is ook zeer de moeite waard. En na een wandeling naar het uitkijkpunt "Knottnkino" in Vöran/Verano krijg je een heel bijzondere openluchtbioscoop te zien.

Wil je meer weten over de bossen en weiden in en rond Schenna? Ga dan met kruiden- en wandelgids Elisabeth mee op ontdekkingstocht om de geheimen van de wereld van wilde en geneeskrachtige kruiden te ontdekken.

Nog niet genoeg gezien en gedaan? Ga dan eens naar de tuinen van kasteel Trauttmansdorff en het "Touriseum". Of duik in de geschiedenis van Zuid-Tirol op kasteel Schenna of kasteel Tirol met zijn vogelopvang. Andere gezinshoogtepunten in de omgeving van Schenna zijn de spoorwegwereld in Rabland/Rablà en de dierenwereld van de Rainguthof, het ArcheoPark in de voetsporen van Ötzi in het Schnalstal, het wijnstokkenlabyrint van de Kränzelhof en de belevenismijn Schneeberg/Monteneve in het Passeiertal.

Meer tips voor vakantie met kinderen vind je in de brochure "Schenna4Family".

Excursiedoelen in Schenna
Adventure playground Taser
Adventure playground Taser
Mother Nature is your adventure playground, and there’s nothing that kids love more! The Taser Alm outdoor playground paradise covers a good 1000 m². With ...
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Mini golf in Schenna near Meran
Mini golf in Schenna near Meran
A very special mini golf course in the mountains The wheel, the seesaw, the arc, the vertical? Have you ever heard of them? Find out what's behind it at the ...
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Lido Schenna panorama outdoor pool
Lido Schenna panorama outdoor pool
The Lido Schenna/Scena is a welcome cool-down in summer, a benefit for body, mind and soul. The view over the Merano/Meran valley basin gives you the feeling ...
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Voor gezinnen met kinderen die graag klimmen
Via ferrata Heini Holzer Ifinger -  access from Taser Alm closed
Via ferrata
Via ferrata "Heini Holzer" Ifinger - access from Taser Alm
The 500 m long climb is perfectly secured with 1000 m of steel cable , is rated at medium difficulty (A - B – in some places B/C) and is suitable for ...
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Sport & plezier in de omgeving
Alpin Bob
Alpin Bob
Year-round mountain coaster fun on rails: The 1.1 km white-knuckle ride starts at Pivigna, the mountain station of both the ropeway and the Falzeben gondola ...
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Earth pyramids Ritten
Earth pyramids Ritten
The Renon earth pyramids are the highest and the most aesthetically pleasing in Europe. Earth pyramids are a phenomenon of erosion. They originate where ...
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Fun Train Station Naturno/Stava
Fun Train Station Naturno/Stava
Discover the train station! The entertainment train station at Naturno/Stava is the old train station of the Val Senales. It shows an electric train on an 800 ...
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Big Montiggl Lake
Big Montiggl Lake
Position: The big Montiggl Lake is located in the middle of the nature reserve Montiggl with its stunning mixed forest in the community of Eppan on 492 meters ...
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Lake Kaltern
Lake Kaltern
The Lake Kaltern The Mediterranean landscape around Lake Kalterer See leads many to the correct assumption that this lake really is the warmest lake in the ...
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Orchid World Raffeiner
Orchid World Raffeiner
Over 12,000 plants are grown in our 6,000 m² greenhouse, including more than 500 different species of orchid, producing a kaleidoscopic effect of natural ...
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Bird Care Centre Tyrol Castle
Bird Care Centre Tyrol Castle
Since 1998 injured birds of prey have been cared for on the motte of Tyrol Castle in special aviaries until they are healthy and ready to be released back into ...
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Railway Ritten
Railway Ritten
The narrow-gauge railway: The Ritten railway was opened on 13th August 1907. For the first time it was possible to cover the just under 1,000 m difference in ...
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Animal World Rainguthof in Gfrill/Caprile
Animal World Rainguthof in Gfrill/Caprile
Original Noah’s Ark farm in Caprile near Tesimo At the small old Rainguthof farm, families with children will find the Rainguthof animal park , a veritable ...
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Wanda - indoor play ground
Wanda - indoor play ground
Our bright, well-maintained, and safe indoor playground in South Tyrol offers endless fun for children aged 0 to 12 years. Jump on the trampoline, play in the ...
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Musea en kastelen in de omgeving
archeoParc Schnalstal Valley
archeoParc Schnalstal Valley
archeoParc Schnalstal Valley - Get in touch with the world of the Iceman. South Tyrol's first hands-on archaeology museum is distinguished by its ...
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Churburg Castle
Churburg Castle
Above Schluderns in the sunny Vinschgau, towers the Churburg, one of the best preserved castles of South Tyrol. Today’s visitors find an impressive Renaissance ...
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The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle
The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle
Art and nature have been blending since 2001 at the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle, set in a natural amphitheatre on the eastern outskirts of Merano, with ...
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South Tyrol Museum of Mining
South Tyrol Museum of Mining
Industrial plant in the high mountains A unique monument to industrial revolution The Ridnaun site is a unique monument to the industrial revolution. Here, 150 ...
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Messner Mountain Museum Juval
Messner Mountain Museum Juval
Juval Castle, the summer residence of the world-famous mountaineer, Reinhold Messner and the Messner Mountain Museum. Medieval Juval Castle is situated on a ...
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MuseumPasseier in St. Leonhard
MuseumPasseier in St. Leonhard
The museum at the Sandhof, the place of birth of Andreas Hofer is telling vividly and enjoyable how the bearded innkeeper and cattle trader became the Tyrolean ...
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Texelgruppe / Gruppo di Tessa Nature Park Visitor Center
Texelgruppe / Gruppo di Tessa Nature Park Visitor Center
Water is the element that characterises the Texelgruppe Nature Park like no other. It has not only shaped its landscape, but also has a central influence on ...
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Typewriter Museum Peter Mitterhofer
Typewriter Museum Peter Mitterhofer
The museum offers an insight to the 100-year history of the typewriter, ranging from the first wooden typewriter invented by Peter Mitterhofer from ...
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South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology - Ötzi
South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology - Ötzi
The oldest glacier mummy in the world, Ötzi the Iceman, has found his last resting place at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology. Dating from the Copper Age ...
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Museum of Fruit Cultivation
Museum of Fruit Cultivation
As South Tyrol's traditional and largest fruit producing municipality, Lana is the ideal location for the collection and display of information regarding the ...
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Tyrol Castle
Tyrol Castle
Tyrol Castle is the most historically significant castle in South Tyrol. Its origins stretch back into the late 11th century. Since 2003 Tyrol Castle has ...
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Avontuurlijke en thematische routes
Nature & Adventure path in Marling open
Nature & Adventure path in Marling

The Eichhörnchenweg trail is about 1 km long and offers 23 nature and adventure stations easily accessible for the entire family.

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Vorbichl Adventure Trail open
Hiking, all hiking routes, Themed Trails, Path suitable for baby carriages
Vorbichl Adventure Trail
The "Vorbichl" Adventure Trail is located in Prissiano. This path is ideal for children and adults.  From the car park in Prissiano village centre ...
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Haflinger Adventure Trail open
Hiking, Themed Trails, Path suitable for baby carriages
Haflinger Adventure Trail
The Haflinger Adventure Trail with it's 12 stations, reaches from Hafling Dorf/Avelengo paese to St. Kathrein/S. Caterina and is dedicated to the docile Haflinger horses.
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Parcines Adventure Round Trip open
Parcines Adventure Round Trip

Round trip for the whole family

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The Passer Gorge closed
Hiking, all hiking routes, Themed Trails
The Passer Gorge
The trail with a total length of 6.5 km goes from St. Leonhard on the left to Gomion, crosses the bridge there, and then leads to the right almost to ...
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Chestnut Experience Trail open
Hiking, Themed Trails
Chestnut Experience Trail

The Chestnut Experience Trail in Völlan in the Meraner Land at the eastern foothills of the Ortler Alps is easy to walk for young and old.

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