Kneippen in het Passeiertal
Gezond en fit met Kneipp
Kneippen in het Passeiertal

Kneippen in het Passeiertal

Gezond en fit met Kneipp

Meer dan 150 jaar geleden ontwikkelde dominee Sebastian Kneipp een therapie die gebaseerd is op een samenspel van water, voeding, beweging, kruiden en innerlijk evenwicht. De effectiviteit van de Kneipp-therapie is al lang wetenschappelijk bewezen. Water is heilzaam: deze kennis ligt ten grondslag aan de Kneipp-wandelingen die in het Passeiertal worden aangeboden. Tijdens een wandeling langs de ‘Saltauser Waalweg’ met gezondheidscoach Katy Hofer ervaart u de verkwikkende werking van het water. Tegelijkertijd ervaart u waarom een koud oogbad het zicht kan verbeteren en waarom de ‘Kneipp’sche Espresso’ – een koud armbad (het dompelen van de armen in koud water) – de ideale vervanging is voor een bakje koffie in de ochtend.
Snowshoe Adventure at Pfelders/Plan
dinsdag 18 mrt
09:30 - 15:00
Snowshoe Adventure at Pfelders/Plan
Immerse yourself in a enchanting winter landscape and discover untouched nature in an entirely new way. Our guided snowshoe hikes provide you with the perfect opportunity to savor the tranquility of ...
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Discover the art of brewing
dinsdag 18 mrt
St. Martin in Passeier/S. Martino in Passiria
17:00 - 18:00
Discover the art of brewing
A visit of the Martinerhof is an experience for all beer lovers and those who want to learn more about the art of brewing beer. Under expert guidance, you will learn how our beer "Martinsbräu" is ...
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Discover the art of brewing
dinsdag 18 mrt
St. Martin in Passeier/S. Martino in Passiria
18:00 - 19:00
Discover the art of brewing
A visit of the Martinerhof is an experience for all beer lovers and those who want to learn more about the art of brewing beer. Under expert guidance, you will learn how our beer "Martinsbräu" is ...
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Enjoying the winter on ski tours
woensdag 19 mrt
Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria
08:00 - 15:00
Enjoying the winter on ski tours
Immerse yourself in the breathtaking world of untouched snowy landscapes and experience the thrill of skiing off the beaten path. Our guided ski tours offer you an unforgettable adventure that will ...
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Cross-country skiing course for beginners
donderdag 20 mrt
Pfelders in Passeier/Plan in Passiria
14:00 - 16:00
Cross-country skiing course for beginners
Learn the basics of classic cross-country skiing under the guidance of an experienced instructor. In this beginner's course, you'll learn step by step how to properly handle cross-country skis. Enjoy ...
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Snowshoe Adventure at Walten/Valtina
vrijdag 21 mrt
Walten in Passeier/Valtina in Passiria
09:00 - 15:00
Snowshoe Adventure at Walten/Valtina
Immerse yourself in a enchanting winter landscape and discover untouched nature in an entirely new way. Our guided snowshoe hikes provide you with the perfect opportunity to savor the tranquility of ...
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Josefimarket ·
zaterdag 22 mrt
St. Leonhard in Passeier/S. Leonardo in Passiria
08:00 - 14:00
Josefimarket · "Cattle & grocer's market"
At the popular "Vieh- & Kramermärkte" you can find tasty and useful things. Four times a year, market stalls with local delicacies, everyday necessities and clothing await visitors.
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Concert of the music band of Rabenstein
zaterdag 22 mrt
Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria
20:00 - 21:30
Concert of the music band of Rabenstein
You can expect a varied programme with a mixture of traditional and modern pieces that will musically ring in the spring. Let yourself be enchanted by the music and enjoy the special atmosphere of ...
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«12» 16 Einträge auf 2 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 1-8
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