Mountaincart in Pfelders/Plan

Mountaincart: 3.5 km fun for the whole family!

Cart with cablecar:

        regular price  
    adults     kids    
1 run  21,50 €  18,00 €    

Cart (only downhill):

               regular price  
1 run        11,00 €  


Children under 1.25 m tall are not allowed to ride alone!
Children under 14 years of age are only allowed to use it in the presence of an adult supervisor!

Public transport

The starting point is easy to reach with the following public connections: With bus line 240 from Meran/Merano to Pfelders/Plan.

Description to arrive at destination

Coming from Meran/Merano to the Passeiertal Valley in direction of Timmelsjoch Mountain Pass to Moos/Moso and then further to Pfelders/Plan.

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