Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Holidays in a charming mountain village above Merano
Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Partschins, Rabland and Töll

Partschins, Rabland and Töll

Holidays in a charming mountain village above Merano

Partschins/Parcines and its surrounding villages of Rabland/Rablà and Töll/Tel are located just six kilometers from the spa town of Meran/Merano, at the entrance of the Texelgruppe Nature Park. The 97m high Parcines waterfall is one of the most beautiful in the Alps.
A pinch of gold for the nose
The Parcines waterfall is a health resort with air as pure as in the Arctic. read more ...
A pinch of gold for the nose
Holidays in Parcines

... in Merano's most captivating outlying village.

Enjoy hiking, biking, and South Tyrolean cuisine and culture, recharge your batteries and enhance your health in unspoilt natural surroundings – a holiday in Partschins has a lot to offer. And, thanks to its ideal location – with Merano/Meran, the Vinschgau/Val Venosta Valley and the Texel group of mountains right by the door – there are countless options to explore.

Blessed by sunshine, the climate and the natural healing resources of its waterfall, Partschins and its surrounding villages of Rabland/Rablà and Töll/Tel, lies at the entrance to South Tyrol’s largest nature park, the Texel Group. A real leisure and hiking paradise, with everything that goes with that, such as panoramic and irrigation channel trails boasting magnificent views, 13 (!) three thousand meter-plus mountains, single trails for mountain bike lovers, long distance hikes on the Meraner Höhenweg High Altitude Trail, and climbing on the many rock faces or the Ziel Via Ferrata. All this is nicely spread out across two mountainsides, easily accessible by the two cable cars.

A little further down in the valley, visitors to Partschins can enjoy a wide range of activities: cycling along the Etsch cycle path, the Via Claudia Augusta, a detour to the Typewriter Museum, Railway World or the Bad Egart Royal and Imperial Museum. Or a leisurely walk through the old village centre, past stately residences, castles and prehistoric places of worship.

Health and wellness: the Partschins Waterfall

Partschins Waterfall is an impressive landmark in this unique setting: a thunderous natural spectacle with a drop height of 97 metres and proven benefits to health and wellbeing. “Gsund bleibm! Salute! Take care!” is the name of the health programme that is based on the outstanding water and air quality of Partschins Waterfall and which, with guided visitor experiences in the natural surroundings, places the emphasis on prevention, mindfulness and slowing down.

Regional cuisine and genuine hospitality

The wide range of food available in the restaurants and inns in the holiday resort of Partschins is healthy yet indulgent. Typical South Tyrolean dishes are served, which are delicious with a creative twist, prepared with fresh produce directly from the surrounding fields or rural farm shops, and always authentic, high quality and sustainable. The latter is also true of the accommodation in the area. Be it a 4-star hotel, holiday apartment, B&B or holiday on the farm - with their cosy atmosphere, outstanding service and authentic hospitality, the accommodations in Partschins lay the foundations for a perfect holiday in South Tyrol right on the outskirts of Merano.
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visitpartschins visitpartschins 3 days ago

🌻 Direkt vom Hof zu dir – mit Liebe gemacht! 🌻

Unsere Ab-Hof-Verkäufe in Partschins, Rabland und Töll bieten dir das Beste, was die Region zu bieten hat: Von handgemachtem Honig 🍯 und fruchtiger Marmelade 🍓 bis hin zu frischem Gemüse 🥕, knusprigem Brot 🍞, Eiern 🥚 und würzigem Speck 🥓. Alles regional, nachhaltig und mit viel Herz für dich hergestellt. Komm vorbei und entdecke den unverfälschten Geschmack der Partschinser Natur! 🌱❤️
🌻 Diretto dal nostro maso a te – fatto con amore! 🌻

Le nostre vendite dirette a Parcines, Rablà e Tel ti offrono il meglio che la nostra regione può offrire: Dal miele fatto a mano 🍯 e confetture fruttate 🍓 fino a verdure fresche 🥕, pane croccante 🍞, uova 🥚 e speck saporito 🥓. Tutto regionale, sostenibile e realizzato con amore e passione. Vieni a trovarci e scopri il gusto autentico della natura di Parcines! 🌱❤️
🌻 Straight from the farm to you – made with love! 🌻

Our farm sales in Partschins, Rabland, and Töll offer you the best that the region has to offer: From handmade honey 🍯 and fruity jams 🍓 to fresh vegetables 🥕, crispy bread 🍞, eggs 🥚, and flavorful bacon 🥓. Everything is regional, sustainable, and made with love and care. Come by and discover the authentic taste of Partschins' nature! 🌱❤️
#Hofliebe #PartschinsRegional #FrischUndLecker #NachhaltigerGenuss #DirektVomHof #Handgemacht #Partschins #Rabland #Töll #AmorePerIlMaso #ParcinesLocale #FrescoEGustoso #GustoSostenibile #DirettoDalMaso #FattoAMano #Parcines #Rablà #Tel #FarmLove #PartschinsLocal #FreshAndDelicious #SustainableTaste #StraightFromTheFarm #Handmade

visitpartschins visitpartschins 6 days ago

Rauf mit der Texelbahn, durch die Wolken hindurch! 🚠 Oben erwartet uns pure Entspannung, Sonnenschein und der perfekte Start in den Tag. Die Schafe haben den Dreh raus und chillen einfach mit der besten Aussicht! 🐑☀️
Su con la funivia del Texel, attraverso le nuvole! 🚠 In alto ci aspetta puro relax, sole e l'inizio perfetto della giornata. Le pecore sanno come si fa e si godono la vista migliore! 🐑☀️
Up with the Texel cable car, through the clouds! 🚠 At the top, pure relaxation, sunshine, and the perfect start to the day await us. The sheep have it all figured out and just chill with the best view! 🐑☀️
#Wolkentrip #SheepGoals #ÜberDenWolken #PureEntspannung #Aussicht #Sonnenschein #Partschins #Rabland #Töll #ViaggioTraLeNuvole #ObiettiviDaPecora #SopraLeNuvole #PuroRelax #Vista #Sole #Parcines #Rablà #Tel #CloudTrip #SheepGoals #AboveTheClouds #PureRelaxation #View #Sunshine

visitpartschins visitpartschins 9 days ago

So röstet man „Keschtn“ richtig! 🌰🔥

1️⃣ Sortieren: Schwimmende Kastanien aussortieren 🐛
2️⃣ Einritzen: Kreuzweise einschneiden 💥
3️⃣ Pfanne vorheizen: Aufs Feuer und los geht's! 🔥
4️⃣ Schütteln: Alle paar Minuten gut durchschütteln 👩‍🍳
5️⃣ Ausdampfen: Mit feuchtem Tuch abdampfen lassen
6️⃣ Genießen: Mit Butter und Suser schmecken sie am besten! 🧈🍷

Übrigens, nicht verpassen: Am Sonntag, 📅 06.10.2024 von 11:00 bis 18:00 Uhr steigt das Törggele-Fest im Garten des Ansitz Gaudententurm – mit Leckereien und Wein direkt vom Hof. Infos findet ihr in den Story-Highlights „Törggelen 2024“. 🌰🎉
Ecco come si arrostiscono le "Keschtn" (castagne) correttamente! 🌰🔥

1️⃣ Selezione: Scartare le castagne che galleggiano 🐛
2️⃣ Incidere: Fare un’incisione a croce sulla buccia 💥
3️⃣ Scaldare la padella: Mettere sul fuoco e via! 🔥
4️⃣ Agitare: Scuotere bene ogni pochi minuti 👩‍🍳
5️⃣ Far riposare: Lasciare riposare con un panno umido
6️⃣ Gustare: Con burro e vino nuovo sono perfette! 🧈🍷

A proposito, non dimenticate: Domenica📅 06.10.2024 dalle ore 11:00 alle 18:00 ci sarà la festa del Törggelen nel giardino dell Podere Gaudententurm – con delizie e vino della fattoria. Le informazioni trovate nelle story highlights "Törggelen 2024". 🌰🎉
How to roast chestnuts ("Keschtn") like a pro! 🌰🔥

1️⃣ Sort: Remove any floating chestnuts 🐛
2️⃣ Score: Cut a cross on the shell 💥
3️⃣ Preheat the pan: Get it hot and ready! 🔥
4️⃣ Shake it up: Shake every few minutes 👩‍🍳
5️⃣ Let them rest: Cover with a damp cloth to steam
6️⃣ Enjoy: Best with butter and fresh wine! 🧈🍷

By the way, don't miss the Törggelen festival on Sunday, 📅06.10.2024 from 11 AM to 6 PM in the garden of Ansitz Gaudententurm – with local treats and wine from the farm. Info in the story highlights "Törggelen 2024." 🌰🎉
#keschtnzeit #Törggelen2024 #herbstgenuss #KastanienLiebe #KeschtnBrotn #Gaudententurm #SüdtirolerGenuss #SuserUndWein #Genussmomente #partschins #rabalnd #töll #TempoDiCastagne #Törggelen2024 #SaporiDautunno #AmorePerLeCastagne #ArrostireCastagne #Gaudententurm #GustoAltoAdige #MostoENovello #Parcines #rablà #tel #ChestnutSeason #AutumnDelights #LoveChestnuts #RoastingChestnuts

visitpartschins visitpartschins 11 days ago

Das Vinschger Paarl – der Brotklassiker traditionell und unschlagbar lecker, ein echtes Original! 🥖✨ Erfunden im 13. Jahrhundert von den Benediktinermönchen im Kloster Marienberg, wurde dieses würzige Fladenbrot von den Alpenbewohner vor allem in den Wintermonaten aufgetischt. Mit einer Mischung aus Roggen-, Weizen- und Dinkelmehl, gewürzt mit Kümmel, Brotklee und Fenchel, sorgt es für unverwechselbaren Geschmack.
Ob zur traditionellen 'Marende' mit Almkäse, Speck und Kaminwurzen oder ganz einfach zum Frühstück mit Butter und Marillenmarmelade – das Paarl gehört einfach dazu. Tradition, die bis heute lebt. 😋
Das Rezept:
Il Vinschger Paarl – il classico del pane, tradizionale e incredibilmente gustoso, un vero originale! 🥖✨ Inventato nel 13° secolo dai monaci benedettini del monastero di Marienberg, questo pane speziato veniva servito dagli abitanti delle Alpi soprattutto nei mesi invernali. Con una miscela di farina di segale, frumento e farro, insaporito con cumino, trigonella e finocchio, offre un sapore inconfondibile.
Che sia per la tradizionale 'Marende' con formaggio di malga, speck e salsiccia affumicata, o semplicemente a colazione con burro e marmellata di albicocche – il Paarl non può mancare. Una tradizione che vive ancora oggi. 😋
La ricetta:
The Vinschger Paarl – the bread classic, traditional and unbeatable in flavor, a true original! 🥖✨ Invented in the 13th century by Benedictine monks at Marienberg Abbey, this spiced flatbread was served by Alpine inhabitants especially during the winter months. With a mix of rye, wheat, and spelt flour, seasoned with caraway, fenugreek, and fennel, it delivers a unique flavor.
Whether for a traditional 'Marende' with cheese and speck, or simply for breakfast with butter and apricot jam. Paarl is a must. A tradition that lives on today. 😋
The recipe:
#VinschgerPaarl #BrotMitGeschichte #SüdtirolerGenuss #TraditionPur #WürzigUndLecker #Brotklassiker #EinEchtesOriginal #Partschins #Rabland #Töll #Südtirol #VinschgerPaarl #PaneConStoria #DelizieSudtirolesi #TradizionePura #SaporitoEGustoso #ClassicoDelPane #UnVeroOriginale #Partschins #Rablà #Tel

visitpartschins visitpartschins 15 days ago

🍇 Es ist Traubenernte-Zeit in Südtirol, wir nennen es das „Wimmen“! Jetzt gibt’s frischen "Suser" und "Nuier" – perfekt für Törggele-Schlemmereien mit Kastanien. 🌰🍷 Der süße Most und der neue Wein sind der Herbstgenuss schlechthin. Also, schnapp dir ein Glas und lass dir den Südtiroler Herbst schmecken! 🥂
🍇 È tempo di vendemmia in Alto Adige, qui lo chiamiamo "Wimmen"! Ora ci sono il fresco "Suser" e il "Nuier" – perfetti per le delizie del Törggelen con le castagne. 🌰🍷 Il mosto dolce e il vino nuovo sono il vero piacere autunnale. Quindi, prendi un bicchiere e assapora l'autunno altoatesino! 🥂
🍇 It's grape harvest time in South Tyrol, and we call it "Wimmen"! Now there's fresh "Suser" and "Nuier" – perfect for Törggele feasts with chestnuts. 🌰🍷 Sweet must and new wine are the ultimate autumn treats. So grab a glass and savor the South Tyrolean autumn! 🥂
#Wimmen #Weinlese #Törggelen #Suser #Nuier #Partschins #Rabland #Töll #Tradition #Südtirol #Meranerland #Vendemmia #Partschins #Rablà #Tel #Tradizione #meranoedintorni #AltoAdige #GrapeHarvest #Partschins #Rablà #Tel #Tradition #southtyrol

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