Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Holidays in a charming mountain village above Merano
Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Partschins, Rabland and Töll
Partschins, Rabland and Töll

Partschins, Rabland and Töll

Holidays in a charming mountain village above Merano

Partschins/Parcines and its surrounding villages of Rabland/Rablà and Töll/Tel are located just six kilometers from the spa town of Meran/Merano, at the entrance of the Texelgruppe Nature Park. The 97m high Parcines waterfall is one of the most beautiful in the Alps.
A pinch of gold for the nose
The Parcines waterfall is a health resort with air as pure as in the Arctic. read more ...
A pinch of gold for the nose
Holidays in Parcines

... in Merano's most captivating outlying village.

Enjoy hiking, biking, and South Tyrolean cuisine and culture, recharge your batteries and enhance your health in unspoilt natural surroundings – a holiday in Partschins has a lot to offer. And, thanks to its ideal location – with Merano/Meran, the Vinschgau/Val Venosta Valley and the Texel group of mountains right by the door – there are countless options to explore.

Blessed by sunshine, the climate and the natural healing resources of its waterfall, Partschins and its surrounding villages of Rabland/Rablà and Töll/Tel, lies at the entrance to South Tyrol’s largest nature park, the Texel Group. A real leisure and hiking paradise, with everything that goes with that, such as panoramic and irrigation channel trails boasting magnificent views, 13 (!) three thousand meter-plus mountains, single trails for mountain bike lovers, long distance hikes on the Meraner Höhenweg High Altitude Trail, and climbing on the many rock faces or the Ziel Via Ferrata. All this is nicely spread out across two mountainsides, easily accessible by the two cable cars.

A little further down in the valley, visitors to Partschins can enjoy a wide range of activities: cycling along the Etsch cycle path, the Via Claudia Augusta, a detour to the Typewriter Museum, Railway World or the Bad Egart Royal and Imperial Museum. Or a leisurely walk through the old village centre, past stately residences, castles and prehistoric places of worship.

Health and wellness: the Partschins Waterfall

Partschins Waterfall is an impressive landmark in this unique setting: a thunderous natural spectacle with a drop height of 97 metres and proven benefits to health and wellbeing. “Gsund bleibm! Salute! Take care!” is the name of the health programme that is based on the outstanding water and air quality of Partschins Waterfall and which, with guided visitor experiences in the natural surroundings, places the emphasis on prevention, mindfulness and slowing down.

Regional cuisine and genuine hospitality

The wide range of food available in the restaurants and inns in the holiday resort of Partschins is healthy yet indulgent. Typical South Tyrolean dishes are served, which are delicious with a creative twist, prepared with fresh produce directly from the surrounding fields or rural farm shops, and always authentic, high quality and sustainable. The latter is also true of the accommodation in the area. Be it a 4-star hotel, holiday apartment, B&B or holiday on the farm - with their cosy atmosphere, outstanding service and authentic hospitality, the accommodations in Partschins lay the foundations for a perfect holiday in South Tyrol right on the outskirts of Merano.
Book your holiday in Parcines
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visitpartschins visitpartschins 10 days ago

🐟✨ Aschermittwoch – die Fastenzeit beginnt! ✨🐟
Nach den närrischen Tagen wird es traditionell besinnlicher: Heute startet die Fastenzeit, die uns in 40 Tagen zu Ostern führt. Passend dazu gibt’s ein echtes Aschermittwochs-Schmankerl: das köstliche Stockfischgröstl! Ein deftiger Klassiker, der trotz Fastenzeit für Genuss sorgt.
Wer hat heute auch Lust auf dieses Traditionsgericht? 😋
#Aschermittwoch #Fastenzeit #Stockfischgröstl #Tradition #Genussmomente #Partschins #Rabland #Töll

🐟✨ Mercoledì delle Ceneri – inizia la Quaresima! ✨🐟
Dopo i giorni di festa del Carnevale, la tradizione vuole che si entri in un periodo più riflessivo: oggi inizia la Quaresima, che in 40 giorni ci condurrà fino a Pasqua. Per l’occasione, non può mancare una specialità tipica del Mercoledì delle Ceneri: il delizioso "Stockfischgröstl"! Un piatto sostanzioso che porta gusto anche nel periodo di digiuno.
Chi ha voglia di provarlo oggi? 😋👇
#MercoledìDelleCeneri #Quaresima #Stockfischgröstl #Tradizione #MomentiDiGusto #Partschins #Rablà #Tel

🐟✨ Ash Wednesday – the fasting season begins! ✨🐟
After the festive Carnival days, tradition calls for a more reflective time: today marks the beginning of Lent, leading us to Easter in 40 days. A perfect dish for the occasion? The delicious Stockfischgröstl! A hearty classic that brings flavor even during fasting time.
Who’s in the mood for this traditional meal today? 😋👇

#AshWednesday #Lent #Stockfischgroestl #Tradition #TasteMoments #Partschins #Rabland #Toell

visitpartschins visitpartschins 18 days ago

🌿 Zigori stechn – Frühlingsgenuss aus Partschins! 🌿

Sobald der Frühling erwacht, geht’s bei uns aufs Feld: Löwenzahn stechen! 🌱 Mit scharfem Messer und geübtem Blick werden die zarten Blattrosetten ausgegraben – perfekt für einen knackigen Salat oder das traditionelle „Zigori“-Gröstl. 😋
Schon probiert? ⬇️

#ZigoriStechn #Löwenzahn #Frühlingserwachen #Partschins #Rabland #Töll #SüdtirolGenuss #SlowFood #Brauchtum

🌿 La raccolta dello Zigori – un gusto di primavera a Parcines! 🌿

Con l’arrivo della primavera, si parte nei campi a raccogliere il tarassaco! 🌱 Con un coltello affilato e occhi esperti, si estraggono le tenere rosette di foglie – perfette per un’insalata fresca o per il tradizionale „Zigori“-Gröstl. 😋
L’hai già assaggiato? ⬇️

#ZigoriStechn #Tarassaco #PrimaveraInArrivo #Parcines #Rablà #Tel #GustoAltoAdige #SlowFood #Tradizione

🌿 Zigori stechn – a taste of spring in Partschins! 🌿

As soon as spring arrives, it’s time to hit the fields for some dandelion picking! 🌱 With a sharp knife and a trained eye, the tender leaf rosettes are carefully dug up – perfect for a fresh salad or the traditional “Zigori” Gröstl. 😋
Have you tried it yet? ⬇️

#ZigoriStechn #Dandelion #SpringAwakening #Partschins #Rabland #Töll #SouthTyrolFlavors #SlowFood #Tradition

visitpartschins visitpartschins 23 days ago

🎉 Krapfenzeit in Partschins! 🎭
Fasching ohne Krapfen? Undenkbar! Flaumig, goldbraun und mit süßer Füllung - genauso müssen sie sein.
Damit ihr den Duft frisch gebackener Krapfen auch zu Hause genießen könnt, verraten wir euch unser Lieblingsrezept! Probiert es aus und holt euch ein Stück Faschingszauber in die Küche. 😍
#faschingskrapfen #partschinsgenuss #südtirolerküche #krapfenliebe #faschingszeit #selbstgemachtschmecktambesten #rabland #partschins #töll

🎉 Tempo di bomboloni a Parcines! 🎭
Carnevale senza bomboloni? Impensabile! Soffici, dorati e con un ripieno dolce - proprio come devono essere.
Per farvi gustare il profumo di bomboloni appena sfornati anche a casa, vi sveliamo la nostra ricetta preferita! Provate a farli e portate un tocco di magia del Carnevale nella vostra cucina. 😍
#krapfendicarnevale #saporidiparcines #cucinaaltoatesina #amoreperlkrapfen #tempodicarnevale #fattoincasaèpiùbuono #parcines #rablà #tel

🎉 Krapfen season in Partschins! 🎭
Carnival without krapfen? Unthinkable! Fluffy, golden brown, and filled with something sweet - just the way they should be.
To bring the delicious scent of freshly baked krapfen into your home, we're sharing our favorite recipe with you! Give it a try and add a little carnival magic to your kitchen. 😍
#carnivalkrapfen #partschinsflavors #southtyroleancuisine #krapfenlove #carnivalseason #homemadetastesbest #partschins #rabland #töll

visitpartschins visitpartschins 2 months ago

G'schwindelt hot schun moncher, gwonnen no long net jeder! 😉
Watten ist in Südtirol mehr als nur ein Kartenspiel - es ist eine Lebenskunst! Schon die Kleinsten lernen von ihren Eltern und Großeltern, wie man clever blufft, taktisch spielt und mit viel Geschick (oder Glück) den Sieg nach Hause holt. Ob in der Stube, auf der Alm oder im Wirtshaus - dort, wo gelacht und geblufft wird, sind garantiert vier Spieler mit fünf Karten in der Hand. 🎉
Bist du ein echter Watt-König oder der Meister im Schwindeln? 😍
Mehr über die Südtiroler Traditionen erfährst du auf unserer Homepage!
#watten #südtirolertradition #kartenkunst #brauchtum #partschins #rabland #töll

Qualcuno ha già barato, ma non tutti hanno vinto! 😉
Il Watten in Alto Adige non è solo un gioco di carte - è un'arte di vita! Fin da piccoli si impara da genitori e nonni come bluffare con astuzia, giocare con strategia e, con un po' di fortuna e abilità, portare a casa la vittoria. Che sia in stube, in malga o in osteria - ovunque si ride, di discute e si gioca, ci sono sicuramente quattro giocatori con cinque carte in mano. 🎉
Sei un vero maestro del Watten o il campione del bluff? 😍
Scopri di più sulla tradizione altoatesina sul nostro sito web!
#watten #tradizionealtoatesina #artedellecarte #usanze #parcines #rablà #tel

Many have cheated, but not everyone has won! 😉
Watten in South Tyrol is more than just a card game - it's an art of line! Even the youngest learn from their parents and grandparents how to bluff clearly, play strategically, and bring home victory with a mix of skill (or luck). Whether in a cozy parlor, on an alpine pasture, or at the local inn - wherever there's laughter, cursing, and card playing, you'll find four players holding five cards each. 🎉
Are you a true watten champion or the master of bluffing? 😍
Learn more about South Tyrolean tradition on our website!
#watten #southtyroleantradition #cardgameart #heritage #partschins #rabland #töll

visitpartschins visitpartschins 2 months ago

🧭🥾 **40 Jahre Meraner Höhenweg – feier mit uns das Abenteuer in Partschins!** 🎉⛰️

Seit 1985 bringt der Meraner Höhenweg Wanderherzen zum Hüpfen – jetzt wird er 40! 🥳 Und natürlich gibt’s zum Jubiläum besondere Highlights:

🍏 Ein eigenes Jubiläumsgetränk mit Apfel & Thymian
👣 Geführte Touren mit spannenden Geschichten
🍽️ Kulinarische Events mit regionalen Leckerbissen
Hier findest du alle Infos zum Jubiläumsjahr:

Lust auf Freiheit, Panorama & Bergabenteuer? Dann schnür die Wanderschuhe und sei dabei! 🚶‍♂️🔥

#40JahreMeranerHöhenweg #WanderLiebe #Bergabenteuer #NaturparkTexelgruppe #Partschins #Rabland #Töll #Meranerland #Meran #Südtirol #Meranerhöhenweg #Wanderliebe

🥾⛰️ **40 anni di Alta Via di Merano – festeggiamo l’avventura!** 🎉🎂

Dal 1985 fa battere il cuore degli escursionisti… e ora compie 40 anni! 🥳 Per l’anniversario ci aspettano eventi speciali:

🍏 Una bevanda esclusiva con mela & timo
👣 Escursioni guidate con storie avvincenti
🍽️ Eventi culinari con delizie locali
Leggi di più:

Hai voglia di libertà, panorami mozzafiato e avventura in montagna? Allaccia gli scarponi e vieni con noi! 🚶‍♂️🔥

#40AnniAltaViaDiMerano #PassioneTrekking #AvventuraInMontagna #ParcoNaturaleGruppoDiTessa #Partschins #Rablà #Tel

🧭🥾 40 Years of the Merano High Mountain Trail – Celebrate the Adventure with us in Partschins! 🎉⛰️

Since 1985, the Merano High Mountain Trail has been making hikers’ hearts beat faster – and now it's turning 40! 🥳 Of course, we’ve got some special highlights to mark the occasion:

🍏 A special anniversary drink with apple & thyme
👣 Guided tours with fascinating stories
🍽️ Culinary events featuring regional delicacies
Here you can find all the information about the anniversary year:

Craving freedom, breathtaking views & mountain adventures? Lace up your hiking boots and join the celebration! 🚶‍♂️🔥

#40YearsMeranoHighTrail #HikingLove #MountainAdventure #TexelGroupNaturePark #Partschins #Rabland #Töll #MeranoRegion #Merano #SouthTyrol #MeranoHighTrail #HikingPassion

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