Winkels in Lana en omgeving
Boetieks, kleine kruideniers en andere winkels in Lana
Winkels in Lana en omgeving

Winkels in Lana en omgeving

Boetieks, kleine kruideniers en andere winkels in Lana

Met ongeveer 12.000 inwoners op zo’n 18 vierkante kilometer is Lana eerder een kleine stad dan een dorp. De vele speciaalzaken in Lana dragen bij aan de stadse uitstraling van de plaats.

In de voetgangerszone op de Gries zijn modeboetieks, sportzaken en drogisterijen te vinden. Ook kunnen de klanten in dit gebied terecht voor juwelen, ambachtelijke siervoorwerpen, elektronica, huishoudelijke artikelen, bio-natuurproducten en boeken. De cafés en winkels in de Tribusplatz en de Boznerstraße maken het shopping-aanbod compleet.

Wie in Lana wil shoppen, vindt hier meerdere shoppingzones. Het voetgangersgebied Am Gries is met diverse schoenenboetieks en sportzaken het centrum voor Italiaanse schoenmode en sportkleding. Am Gries vindt u naast talrijke speciaalzaken vooral gezellige cafés en bistro's.

Meer shoppingmogelijkheden zijn er in het Hofmannareaal rondom de nieuwe bibliotheek, op de Tribusplatz in Midden-Lana en in de gebieden van de ambachtslieden.
Pharmacy Peer
Pharmacy Peer
The Pharmacy Peer Lana opened in 2002 and is easily reached thanks to its central position and the parking spaces in front of the pharmacy. Our staff will try ...
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Laimer Woodstore
Laimer Woodstore
LAIMER Is a young South Tyrolean brand, established in 2012. Our aim is to follow current lifestyle trends and reconnect these with natural elements, thus ...
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Wine, gardens, art, culinary delights
Wine, gardens, art, culinary delights
Our efforts are focused on the strength and health of the grapes. We want to make wines full of character, individual and which are good for the connoisseur. ...
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Cheese factory
Cheese factory "Latteria Sociale di Castelfondo"
Various cheese specialties from the Non Valley. Discover our producers in dairies, wineries, distilleries, farms ...
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Knoll shoes
Knoll shoes
As a fourth-generation family company, Schuhhaus Knoll is dedicated to quality. Fine materials combined with high quality, Italian design finished in selected ...
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Juwelier Plunger jewelry
Juwelier Plunger jewelry
Our business is not one of those conventional jewelers, where one brand follows another in a cool atmosphere and there is no personality. With us, each product ...
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S.S.38 Bike Lana
S.S.38 Bike Lana
At S.S. 38 Bike Lana everything revolves around bicycles with a wide range of rental bikes, from e-mountain bikes to road bikes and city bikes.
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Schmidt becomes SCHMIEDL Lana's village bakery is now called SCHMIEDL and is run by Johannes, Tobias and Greta. The young generation builds on over 100 years ...
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Gärtnerei Galanthus nursery
Gärtnerei Galanthus nursery
Galanthus, the nursery in the convent, is not only a place where you can buy plants, but also a place of meetings and inspiration. we strive to offer a ...
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Auto Mittersteiner Hermann
Auto Mittersteiner Hermann
Lana with its village charm offers its guests a wide range of shops and craft shops, friendly staff and good service.
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«123456» 57 Einträge auf 6 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 21-30
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