Wandel-ideeën in Lana en omgeving
De mooiste wandelingen rondom Lana
Wandel-ideeën in Lana en omgeving
Wandel-ideeën in Lana en omgeving
Wandel-ideeën in Lana en omgeving
Wandel-ideeën in Lana en omgeving
De wandel-ideeën in Lana en omgeving bieden voor iedereen een geschikte route. Wie van simpele paden houdt, kan zijn of haar hart ophalen aan de historische Brandiswaalweg, de Aichbergweg of de route met hedendaagse beelden Skulpturenwanderweg door Lana. Iets veeleisender is de wandelroute vanaf Lana naar het dorp S. Pancrazio/St. Pankraz in het dal Val d’Ultimo/Ultental.

Een reisdoel met een bijzonder mooi uitzicht is het St. Hippolyt-kerkje boven Lana. Andere fraaie wandelingen zijn de route naar de Vigiljoch, de Marlinger Höhenweg, de wandeling naar de burcht Schloss Lebenberg in het buurdorp Cermes/Tscherms, de historische wandeling naar de Kröllturm (oude toren) van Gargazzone/Gargazon, de Höfe-tour en de Graf-Volkmar-Weg in het buurdorp Postal/Burgstall.
The Brandis-Waalweg Trail in Lana closed
Hiking, all hiking routes, Waalwege Trails
The Brandis-Waalweg Trail in Lana
The leisurely walk along the irrigation channel crosses the foothills of the Ortler Alps on its panoramic path between Oberlana and Niederlana. From ...
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Lana Sculpture Walk Trail open
Hiking, all hiking routes, Themed Trails
Lana Sculpture Walk Trail
The sculpture trail at the foothills of the Nonsberggruppe leads from Niederlana to the Gaulschlucht gorge and along the Ländpromenade to the Falschauer biotope
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Lana Aichbergweg open
Hiking, Themed Trails
Lana Aichbergweg
The culture and nature trail with information boards about the history, the flora, the animals, the geology of the Ortler Alps and fruit and wine growing
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Gaulpromenade open
Hiking, all hiking routes, Themed Trails, Path suitable for baby carriages

The Gaul Gorge in Oberlana, is a promenade that follows the roaring course of the Falschauer through rugged rock walls of quartz porphyry, gneiss and granite.

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Lana - Pawigl - Vigiljoch open
Hiking, all hiking routes
Lana - Pawigl - Vigiljoch
A medium hike to the car-free Vigiljoch at the foothills of the Ortler Alps to the sun-drenched village of Pawigl
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Lana - Völlan - St. Hippolyt open
Hiking, all hiking routes
Lana - Völlan - St. Hippolyt
A moderately difficult hike from Lana via Völlan to the Völlaner Badl up to the St. Hippolyt-Hill at the foothills of the Nonsberggruppe
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Irrigation channel di Marlengo from Lana open
Hiking, all hiking routes, Waalwege Trails
Irrigation channel di Marlengo from Lana
Easy, panoramic hike along the Marlinger Waalweg to Töll
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Marlinger high mountain trail from Tscherms open
Marlinger high mountain trail from Tscherms
Demanding hiking route on the Marling Höhenweg Trail and the Marlinger Waalweg trail with a beautiful view
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Faith trail Glaubensweg on the Vigiljoch open
Hiking, all hiking routes, Themed Trails
Faith trail "Glaubensweg" on the Vigiljoch

The easy circular path at the Vigiljoch, above Lana in the Merano countryside, is equipped with 6 stations, which invite you to take in this peaceful landscape.

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Vigiljoch - Bärenbad Alm - Naturnser Alm open
Hiking, all hiking routes
Vigiljoch - Bärenbad Alm - Naturnser Alm

Pleasant hike from the Vigiljoch mountain station to the Jocher Inn, on to the Bärenbad Alm and up to the Naturnser Alm.

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Vigiljoch - Bärenbad Alm - Naturnser Hochwart open
Hiking, all hiking routes
Vigiljoch - Bärenbad Alm - Naturnser Hochwart

A rewarding circular hike on the Vigiljoch, at the foothills of the Ortler group, with ascent of the Naturnser Hochwart (2,608 m) with an amazing view.

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