Promenades en thema-routes in Lana en omgeving
Promenades en thema-routes in Lana en omgeving
Promenades en thema-routes in Lana en omgeving
Promenades en thema-routes in Lana en omgeving
Het centrum van Meran wordt gekenmerkt door middeleeuwse galerijen, prachtige Jugendstil gebouwen en een heerlijke mengeling van een alpine en mediterraanse sfeer. Door de stad stroomt de Passer/Passirio, en rondom trekken de machtige bergen de aandacht.

De langste thema-route in Lana is de acht kilometer lange Skulpturenwanderweg (beeldenweg). Langs de route staan fraaie beelden van hedendaagse kunstenaars. Hij loopt van de Brandis-Waalweg naar de bijzondere kloof Gaulschlucht, en over de nieuw aangelegde Ländpromenade tot aan het natuurgebied Falschauer Biotop met zijn vissen, andere kleine dieren en zo’n 200 soorten vogels.

In het dorp Foiana/Völlan boven Lana bevindt zich de Kastanienerlebnisweg (kastanje-route), een makkelijk begaanbaar educatief pad. Op de Aichbergweg draait alles om de geschiedenis en op het educatieve Naturlehrpfad Falschauer worden de flora en fauna van de regio zichtbaar. Langs de paden staan informatieborden met allerlei interessante wetenswaardigheden.

Nordic walkers en wandelaars vinden in Lana en omgeving een aantal fantastische themaroutes, die zijn ontworpen als wandelpaden voor lichaam en geest.´

De waalweg in Lana, de route naar Naraun naar St. Hippolyt of naar St. Jakob in Grissian/Grissiano zijn wandelingen van bezinning en beschouwing.

De kastanjeroute door de kastanjebossen in Völlan/Voiana en de viltkunstwandeling in Lana zijn aangelegd als beleveniswandelingen en educatieve natuurpaden met informatiepunten.

Een heel bijzondere tentoonstelling is de circa 8 km lange sculpturenwandeling, waar moderne beeldhouwwerken langs staan. De route loopt van de waalweg via de Gaulkloof naar de Falschauerbiotoop.
Lana Aichbergweg
Hiking, Themed Trails
Lana Aichbergweg
The culture and nature trail with information boards about the history, the flora, the animals, the geology of the Ortler Alps and fruit and wine growing
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The Brandis-Waalweg Trail in Lana
Hiking, all hiking routes, Waalwege Trails
The Brandis-Waalweg Trail in Lana
The leisurely walk along the irrigation channel crosses the foothills of the Ortler Alps on its panoramic path between Oberlana and Niederlana. From ...
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Lana Sculpture Walk Trail
Hiking, all hiking routes, Themed Trails
Lana Sculpture Walk Trail
The sculpture trail at the foothills of the Nonsberggruppe leads from Niederlana to the Gaulschlucht gorge and along the Ländpromenade to the Falschauer biotope
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Chestnut Experience Trail
Hiking, Themed Trails
Chestnut Experience Trail

The Chestnut Experience Trail in Völlan in the Meraner Land at the eastern foothills of the Ortler Alps is easy to walk for young and old.

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Burgstall Graf Volkmar path
Hiking, all hiking routes
Burgstall Graf Volkmar path

The Graf-Volkmar-Weg is a pleasant walk above the village of Burgstall.

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Irrigation channel di Marlengo from Lana
Hiking, all hiking routes, Waalwege Trails
Irrigation channel di Marlengo from Lana
Easy, panoramic hike along the Marlinger Waalweg to Töll
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Gargazon/Gargazzone - Kröll Tower Trail
Gargazon/Gargazzone - Kröll Tower Trail

The Kröllturm above Gargazon also adorns the coat of arms of the village.

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Tandemclub Ifinger paragliding and tandem flights
Tandemclub Ifinger paragliding and tandem flights
Our team is the oldest existing tandem team in Meran since 1995 with Active World Cup pilots, cross-country and Acro Cup winners. Trust our competence and our ...
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Physiotherapy and orthopedic Dr. Kleon
Physiotherapy and orthopedic Dr. Kleon
The physiotherapy promotes recovery of the health and performance after accidents, illnesses and operations. Complaints be eliminated or alleviated through ...
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St. Vigilius Church
St. Vigilius Church
The Church of San Vigilio, located at 1,780 m above sea level, was first mentioned in the historical record way back in 1278. Masses are held on religious ...
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Church of Santa Margherita
Church of Santa Margherita
Small church with three apses in Romanesque style, with a cycle of frescoes dating back to 1215. Restored in 1969 and 1982. Traces of the Middle Ages are ...
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Church of St. Johannes Gargazon/Gargazzone
Church of St. Johannes Gargazon/Gargazzone
The old church of Gargazon was first mentioned in 1337. The nave walls date from this period, the present form came into being in the 17th century. The fresco ...
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Hiking guide Erich Unterthurner
Hiking guide Erich Unterthurner
My hiking programm (only in German and Italian): Guided tour to the Sprones Seen Lakes (7 hours, difficult path) every Thursday from June - Oktober. Phone: +39 ...
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Winery Meran
Winery Meran
Double the pleasure for the palate.  There are two meeting points at the Cantina Merano Winery for special moments of convivivality: whether you want to enjoy ...
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Winery & wine sales Kränzelhof
Winery & wine sales Kränzelhof
Our efforts are focused on the strength and health of the grapes. We want to make wines full of character, individual and which are good for the connoisseur. ...
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