
Traditional Meltina Festival


The Fire Department of Mölten invites you to the local traditional church fair on 14th and 15th of August.

14th of August:
- 7 pm: feast beginning
- 9 pm: party night with DJ JONY

15th of August:
- 08:45 am: traditional mass with procession
- 10 am: feast beginning,accompanied by music from the band "die Zopfnmusi" and lottery
- afternoon: dance performance from the "Möltner Schuhplattler"
- 4 pm: concert of the Musical band of Mölten
- 6 pm: concert band "NIAginua"
By car
From Munich in approximately 3,5 hours via the motorway (Rosenheim-Kufstein-Innsbruck-Brenner) until you come to the motorway exit Bozen Süd, you take the carriage way Meran-Bozen, to reach the villages Terlan take the second exit, from Terlan take the mountain road to Mölten.