Tschaufen - Hunting lodge of the Counts of Maultasch

In the Middle Ages Tschaufen was the hunting lodge of the Counts of Maultasch.
From 1907 the cooperative of Haflinger horse breeders used the Tschaufen farm to
raise Haflinger mares.
Description to arrive at destination
Approach from Terlan - drive from Terlan in the direction of Mölten as far as Verschneid and turn right at the Bar Linde inn, past the shop and the little church and then turn right in the direction of Tschaufenhaus (signposted) - after the bridge you can park your car in front of the barrier and walk the rest of the way to Tschaufenhaus. (approx. 40 minutes) - house guests get a drive-through permit by prior arrangement!
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