Evénements pour tous les goûts


Evénements pour tous les goûts

Merano/Meran est une ville animée et offre une variété d'événements d'importance internationale. Dans cette section, vous trouverez de courtes descriptions des événements les plus importants. Les prospectus, brochures et documents imprimés disponibles à l'administration du centre de cure de Merano (rue Corso della Libertà/ Freiheitsstraße 45) comportent des informations supplémentaires.
Ladies Night
samedi 08 mars
20:00 - 21:30
Ladies Night
Colour and style advice on Women's Day with former ‘Zett’ Miss South Tyrol Michaela Moser.
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Spring Concert of the Lana Music Band
dimanche 09 mars
18:00 - 20:00
Spring Concert of the Lana Music Band
The most beautiful symphonic brass music from Lana-South Tyrol: we are a group of around 80 musicians from Lana who enjoy making music together in their free time. Our biggest event during the ...
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Theatre in Italian language: Vicini di casa
mardi 11 mars
20:30 - 22:30
Theatre in Italian language: Vicini di casa
In Italian. Production CMC/Nidodiragno, Cardellino srl, Teatro Stabile di Verona in collaboration with Festival Teatrale i Borgio Verezzi. A comedy, free and provocative, that investigates with ...
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Evening with AmUm
mercredi 12 mars
18:00 - 20:00
Evening with AmUm
Evening meeting with members, associates and sympathisers. Annual members' meeting with presentation of activities in 2024 and financial overview. Election of the new board of directors. Presentation ...
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Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Eva Maria Marold & Band (A)
jeudi 13 mars
20:00 - 22:00
Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Eva Maria Marold & Band (A)
In german language. The title says it all: inconsistent, because Eva Maria Marold takes us on a journey through all eras and genres of the music world with Andi Pilhar (keyboard) and Goran Mikulec ...
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In Italian: From Emmeline Pankhurst to Suffrage in Italy
vendredi 14 mars
19:00 - 21:00
In Italian: From Emmeline Pankhurst to Suffrage in Italy
A tribute to imprint in the consciousness and memory the knowledge that the rights women have today are the fruit of the struggles of women in the past. Stories of special women. Stories of ordinary ...
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Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Dominic Deville (CH)
samedi 15 mars
20:00 - 22:00
Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Dominic Deville (CH)
In german language. Dominic Deville has written a book about his years as a nursery school teacher. Entitled: From the everyday life of a fearless pedagogue. These experiences are naturally also a ...
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Exhibition: Aerolectics by Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński
dimanche 16 mars
11:00 - 18:00
Exhibition: Aerolectics by Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński
Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński's Aerolectics investigates, through an unprecedented series of works, the origins and spread on the African continent of the European Catholic missionary system and its ...
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«1234» 30 Einträge auf 4 Seiten, Angezeigte Einträge 17-24