Patiner à Merano
Patinage en salle et en plein air
Patiner à Merano

Patiner à Merano

Patinage en salle et en plein air

Merano/Meran équipe son centre de sport et de hockey sur glace Meranarena à proximité du centre ville d’une patinoire en salle et d’un circuit sur glace en plein air.

La patinoire en salle est ouverte à partir de début août jusqu’aux premiers jours d’avril: des matches de hockey sur glace ainsi que des compétitions de curling et de patinage artistique y ont lieu. De novembre à mars on peut y voir des patineurs sur glace, et à partir de mars des patineurs en rollers.

Patiner sur la place des Thermes
Pendant le marché de Noël à Merano (Meraner Weihnacht) entre fin novembre et début janvier, on peut patiner au centre de la ville thermale de Merano. Une piste en plein air avec vue sur les Thermes y attire les patineurs.
Skating rink at Piazza Terme/Thermenplatz square
Skating rink at Piazza Terme/Thermenplatz square
During the Merano Christmas period between the end of November and the beginning of January, you can also ice skate right in the centre of the spa town of ...
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Meranarena: ice skating icepark
Meranarena: ice skating icepark
Ice skating in the open air on the Meranarena ice rink in Merano/Meran During the winter months, the Meranarena ice rink has become a firm institution and a ...
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The Meranarena icehall
The Meranarena icehall
The Meranarena ice rink measures 60 x 30 metres and is a popular place to enjoy sports in your free time and during your holidays. It is available to visitors ...
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Ice rink in Hafling
Ice rink in Hafling
The use of the ice rink is at your own risk and free of charge. Parents are responsible for their children. Important information: Wearing a helmet is ...
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Ice skating rink Dorf Tirol/Tirolo
Ice skating rink Dorf Tirol/Tirolo
The ice skating rink in Dorf Tirol/Tirolo offers a lot of fun for the whole family. Prices adults: 5,50 Euro children up to 14 years: 4,50 Euro skate rental: ...
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Ice rink Lana
Ice rink Lana
Ice skating in the Gola Canyon The ice skating rink in the romantic Gola Canyon in Lana reconciles natural opposites: because only here can you find a place to ...
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Ice skating rink in Scena
Ice skating rink in Scena
Since its opening, the ice rink in the centre of Schenna has enjoyed great popularity. Anyone who wants to take to the ice is in exactly the right place in ...
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Ice stick shooting
Ice stick shooting
The traditional sport of the Alpine People Ice stick shooting is as similar to curling, as skittles is to bowling. The technical differences are few, but while ...
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