Conference - Il pregiudizio, l’obiettività e l’errore cognitivo
3/24/2025 18:00 - 20:00
We basically attribute a negative meaning to the term ‘prejudice’.
This mechanism is actually due to the fact that our brain works according to a principle of economy: that is, it uses the elements of its past experience to approach the new with some element of appreciation.
The problem arises when we fail to amalgamate past knowledge with absolute novelty.
Psychology today has identified a whole series of biases, i.e. cognitive patterns of which we are often unconscious victims, that make prejudice something dangerous. Is it possible to escape this thinking mechanism and approach the new, free of any mental schemes?
Philosophical Café introduced and moderated by Camilla Stirati, graduate in philosophy
The meeting is open to the public and no specific preparation is required to participate, just the desire to question oneself, without prejudice.